aRGB v. sRGB colorspace

Please help me with this one:
When I change the color space using my Nikon Capture program the colors do not look like those on the SM screen... Why do I need to switch to sRGB when using the replace photo option?
Gotcha:Only replace with images that are in sRGB colorspace. After replacing any photo, please double-check the cropping! .
When I change the color space using my Nikon Capture program the colors do not look like those on the SM screen... Why do I need to switch to sRGB when using the replace photo option?
Describe your full workflow please.... thanks. Leave nothing out so that those who want to help you, can help you. Thanks!
Also, there are a half - dozen relevant threads on the first couple of pages here in the Finishing School. Have a read, and then post your workflow with questions.
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I then save the RAW file, and "save as" JPG for uploading....
I've never converted the color space when uploading to SM...
When you make your replacement images, be sure they are in sRGB.
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Thanks. I had read that earlier. What I'm not following is why when I convert in my program do the colors not look the same as when SM converts upon upload? When I do it the pic looks worse...
How are you doing the color space conversion? You should be "converting" to a new profile, not "assigning" a new profile. And, the saved image must contain the color profile (I stay away from Save for the Web in Photoshop which can save without including the profile).
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I'm using the Nikon Capture program and adjusting the color space to sRGB in the Advanced RAW palet before saving as JPG
Maybe someone who knows Nikon Capture can help with some ideas. I don't know or have that program.
Does Nikon Capture offer any settings related to the conversion to sRGB? Do they offer a "rendering intent"? or a [X] Black Point Compensation option? Are you sure it's converting to sRGB-IEC61966-2.1?
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Because Nikon Capture is a color managed application and apparently the browser you're using isn't.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
NC only has a way to convert the color space of the RAW image... no "rendering intent" like PS... I did the conversion to sRGB-IEC61966-2.1 using PSCS2 and it looks fine... I'm not sure how NC does the conversion. Thanks
Don't sweat the rendering intent issue, all simple matrix profiles only have the Relative Colorimetric table in them, you can't get Perceptual or Saturation (despite what you select in Photoshop). Black Point Compensation is useful, but mostly going from working space to output color spaces. IF you select sRGB in NC, you're fine.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"