Google Maps - Want it to show ALL pics
I have started to geocode my pics again, love the map display. I have noticed that in my Feb gallery it defaults to a zoomed view of the first group of images in that gallery. I would prefer that it zoom out enough to show all my images on the map. If you zoom out several levels you will see another cluster to the East.
Is this possible? Something I need to do or something smugmug can do?
I would also love to be able to send someone a certain view in the map. Google maps has a "link to this page" can anything similar be done in smugmugs view?
Is this possible? Something I need to do or something smugmug can do?
I would also love to be able to send someone a certain view in the map. Google maps has a "link to this page" can anything similar be done in smugmugs view?
The 'zoom level' depends on where you click the 'map this' button. If you click it on one of the galleries, it will zoom in to show the photos from that gallery only. If you click on the 'map this' button on your homepage, it will show all
It is not possible to send a certain view in the google maps, I think, sorry. The only alternative might be to go to the maps this button, that takes you to the page and use that URI. & smugmug
Thanks for the response but I am inside a gallery with two separate batches of geocoded pics, when I click "map this" it zooms in to the third notch in google maps and I can only see the first batch. Once I zoom out I can see the second batch too. What you posted makes me think it should choose a zoom level so that I can see all the geocoded pics at once. And it does work that way on my home page.
Just an update. I reset safari(cleared cache, deleted cookies) and tried again. The mac only shows the first batch of images when I would like it to show all of the geocode images that exist in the gallery. Any advice?