Deer at Work
Nope, no working deer here.:D Behind my place of employment is a State Park. Generally in the evenings when I leave, there are deer hanging around in the back property. Since today was a cloudy day, which is fantastic weather in NE Ohio, generally in March it's either raining or snowing, I was able to grab a few pics.
My longest lens is my 70-200 2.8 IS L. I love the lens, but I now realize I need longer. So I ask you, my fellow Dgrinners, help Khaos get a Canon 400 2.8 L IS lens. It would create a better world for all of us to live in if I had one.:thumb I, alas, after spending a ton of money on getting this camera and some lenses for it I have no money and me wife is one more purchase away from kicking me to the curb. So, help out an addicted L glass junkie and donate to me paypal account: It's the put Khaos in happy, happy 400 land fund.:D
Now on to the pics. Being I had to crop the crap out of them, they are a little soft, but some turned out OK. They were mostly young uns with their Moms.
Oh, and one good reason for Canon to put the ISO in the viewer is that someone, lets say me for example, might be so excited at getting something other than an indoor shot, that they may forget they used the camera indoors the last time and had the ISO up to 800 and forgot all about setting it while taking pictures because, well the shutter speed and aperture seemed fine.:rolleyes

Stereo Deer

This is my good side.

This one is my favorite.

More reflection shots.

Thanks for looking. Comments welcome.
My longest lens is my 70-200 2.8 IS L. I love the lens, but I now realize I need longer. So I ask you, my fellow Dgrinners, help Khaos get a Canon 400 2.8 L IS lens. It would create a better world for all of us to live in if I had one.:thumb I, alas, after spending a ton of money on getting this camera and some lenses for it I have no money and me wife is one more purchase away from kicking me to the curb. So, help out an addicted L glass junkie and donate to me paypal account: It's the put Khaos in happy, happy 400 land fund.:D
Now on to the pics. Being I had to crop the crap out of them, they are a little soft, but some turned out OK. They were mostly young uns with their Moms.
Oh, and one good reason for Canon to put the ISO in the viewer is that someone, lets say me for example, might be so excited at getting something other than an indoor shot, that they may forget they used the camera indoors the last time and had the ISO up to 800 and forgot all about setting it while taking pictures because, well the shutter speed and aperture seemed fine.:rolleyes

Stereo Deer

This is my good side.

This one is my favorite.

More reflection shots.

Thanks for looking. Comments welcome.
Comments NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
TML Photography