Can't upload using SmugMug Mac Uploader or drag and drop

Not usre what is going on...but I tried uploading a few different pictures to differnet galleries using both the SmugMug Mac uploader and the drag and drop feature and I am not having any success...not sure what is going on. I have been using Leopard 10.5.2 for over a week and have not had a problem uploadding unitl now. Anything happening on the SmugMug side of the house?
Not usre what is going on...but I tried uploading a few different pictures to differnet galleries using both the SmugMug Mac uploader and the drag and drop feature and I am not having any success...not sure what is going on. I have been using Leopard 10.5.2 for over a week and have not had a problem uploadding unitl now. Anything happening on the SmugMug side of the house?
What type of file is this one? 'Exxx Mxxxxxx 5th Birthday-33.jpg' (I x'd out the name) On the upload log it's showing a video error 'upload problem: unknown video codec - not recognized'
That is is a JPEG...not sure why there is a video codec error.
I'm on an Intel Mac Pro, OS 10.4.11 Using SmugMug 2.10
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Are you really still using the old SmugMug Mac Uploader 2.10? This one has been outdated for a very long time. The most recent Mac uploader is MacDaddy 3, which you can get from here:
I hope this helps,
SmugMug Support Hero
Here's our dropbox:
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks for the fast reply! Here's a link to the gallery I'm wanting to upload to:
Here is a link to my upload page:
The new upgrade to the Smug Mug uploader will probably fix the problem. I'll install it and reupload. What'll happen the images stuck in the upload page?
Again, thanks for your help!
You're right! The images I uploaded this morning did show up in my Christmas 2006 gallery. Hmmm, that's odd, I checked to be sure I had my Knitting Gallery checked. Oh well, I moved them to where they're supposed to be.
Thanks for your help, I updated SmugMug to the new version, so hopefully I'll not have this problem again.