CS3/RAW Issues

Alright, I've searched everywhere online for assistance w/ this. I cannot open RAW files in CS3. No problems uploading in Elements or Lightroom. When I hook up either my Card Reader or my USB and try to open/organize in CS3, it says that its an unsupported file. I have no problem opening jpeg in CS3 and no problem opening my RAW files in Elements. I've downloaded the most recent RAW plug-in from Adobe's site. I have no idea what the deal is. Is it camera related? I have my quality set at "RAW". Should it be set at S-RAW? I just built a new laptop and it arrived last week. I was so pumped about it until now - trying to sync everything the way it used it is AWFUL. Grrrrr. Thoughts about what's going on here?
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Yes, yes. I've done that. I downloaded the Camera Raw 4.3.1 plugin. When I upload my photos, a dialogue box pops up and says that I have two installers - Lightroom and Elements. It does not list CS3. When I upload w/ Elements and click "Full Edit" it says I can edit in Elements or PS CS3. I click CS3 and it opens the program and says the raw file is an unsupported format.
I'm new to CS3. Can someone tell me how CS3 generally works when you upload your photos? Do you upload directly to CS3, to Bridge (which I've also tried playing around w/). Am I missing something here?
Not sure, and I am not an expert, but I (also new to CS3/Bridge) use Bridge to view - pick the RAW file I want to work on and open it(click or command O) in Bridge, which then opens Adobe Camera Raw to carry out the conversion. Then the file opens in CS3.
Does that make sense?
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I may be asking a stupid question but how was it installed? On the Mac, for instance, it needs to live in a very specific folder or the Adobe apps won't see it.
It almost sounds like it wasn't installed correctly after the download.
Depends what you like. When you plug in your camera or card, depending on how the OS is set up, whatever program is set to deal with Raw will open. For example on my machine it is possible for Adobe Bridge, Adobe Lightroom, iPhoto, or Apple Image Capture to download from the camera. I have chosen Lightroom, so that's what pops open to import when I stick my card in the reader.
If you want your Raw files to show up in Bridge, there is a Bridge CS3 command called Adobe Camera Downloader that can import photos and display them in Bridge. If I wanted photos to take the shortest path to CS3, that is what I would use. The command is under the File menu but if you want it to come up automatically, I think you set that up in Bridge Preferences.