My LPS Finale Experience (behind the scenes)

The past several months (since August 2007) have been tough on our family. My wife has been fighting breast cancer (full recovery expected) and I've mainly been playing Mr. Mom to our three kids. Not much time for photography.
Last year when I made it into the top ten for SF1 I put the finale dates in my PDA. I had many ideas for places to go shoot, all requiring multiple days of travel away from home. Little did I know at the time what we would be doing in January and early February this year, which would make it impossible for my to travel to those locations.
My wife had surgery in mid January in California so I was left home alone with the kids for four weeks. The last week of the four weeks was the first week of finale shooting. School and the lack of additional adult supervision made it extremely difficult to get out and shoot anything that first week. Luckily my wife returned home late Friday night as the first week was coming to a close.
Since I had to stay local (my wife is still in recovery stage from surgery), I had to find something to shoot within an hour or so of home. Being relatively new to the area, I was coming up blank. I knew the competition would be extremely tough so I had to find something with that wow factor. To do so, I looked at a lot of photos online, got some ideas but very little inspiration. So the best thing to do was go out shooting to a different location at 4am every other day (Sat, Mon, Wed, Sat)--on weekdays I had to be home by 8am to take the kids to school. I got in a few night shoots as well, but my locations of choice were much more crowded at night than at 5am. :rolleyes
I captured hundreds of photographs and narrowed it down to a little under two dozen images as possible entries. It was very difficult choosing the one to enter. I have posted a gallery of all of my choices here.
Now that the finale entry period is over, I'm sure you all agree with me that the images entered are incredible. I congratulate everyone for the work they put into LPS and the results definitely show it. Going into this, I knew that my chance at winning the finale was extremely slim, however I just wanted to say that if it wasn't for the LPS finale, I wouldn't have a bunch of new cool photos that I'm extremely pleased with. :thumb
Last year when I made it into the top ten for SF1 I put the finale dates in my PDA. I had many ideas for places to go shoot, all requiring multiple days of travel away from home. Little did I know at the time what we would be doing in January and early February this year, which would make it impossible for my to travel to those locations.
My wife had surgery in mid January in California so I was left home alone with the kids for four weeks. The last week of the four weeks was the first week of finale shooting. School and the lack of additional adult supervision made it extremely difficult to get out and shoot anything that first week. Luckily my wife returned home late Friday night as the first week was coming to a close.
Since I had to stay local (my wife is still in recovery stage from surgery), I had to find something to shoot within an hour or so of home. Being relatively new to the area, I was coming up blank. I knew the competition would be extremely tough so I had to find something with that wow factor. To do so, I looked at a lot of photos online, got some ideas but very little inspiration. So the best thing to do was go out shooting to a different location at 4am every other day (Sat, Mon, Wed, Sat)--on weekdays I had to be home by 8am to take the kids to school. I got in a few night shoots as well, but my locations of choice were much more crowded at night than at 5am. :rolleyes
I captured hundreds of photographs and narrowed it down to a little under two dozen images as possible entries. It was very difficult choosing the one to enter. I have posted a gallery of all of my choices here.
Now that the finale entry period is over, I'm sure you all agree with me that the images entered are incredible. I congratulate everyone for the work they put into LPS and the results definitely show it. Going into this, I knew that my chance at winning the finale was extremely slim, however I just wanted to say that if it wasn't for the LPS finale, I wouldn't have a bunch of new cool photos that I'm extremely pleased with. :thumb
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
This summer's wilderness photography project:
Your image is great, btw! Great comp & light. A really nice feel!
Checked out the gallery, those are some great photos. Wife healing, 3 kids, and you still managed to get up and out at 4 am! I solute you...I WANT to get up early and do that, but so far it hasn't happened.
Isn't it great driving around town early thought? This whole place sleeps until about 10am.
Thanks for sharing your touching story along with you wonderful photos.