Placing a meta tag?

Ok, I've worked hard on creating a search engine friendly meta tag
Now, where to put it. Do I remember correctly that I can put this or should put this in my bio description? The last time I tried doing this, I borked up my code and the meta tag was physically showing up on my home page, yuk!!
Thanks in advance for your reply. This website building and search engine optimization is hard and tedious work... I'm banking on the idea that it's going to be worth the effort in the long run.
Now, where to put it. Do I remember correctly that I can put this or should put this in my bio description? The last time I tried doing this, I borked up my code and the meta tag was physically showing up on my home page, yuk!!
Thanks in advance for your reply. This website building and search engine optimization is hard and tedious work... I'm banking on the idea that it's going to be worth the effort in the long run.
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Denise, my brain is fried tonight!! :-)
Can you show me a coded example of it with a div?
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Like this?
<div id="hiddenDiv" style="display:none"></pre>
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Ok, the code is not showing physically on the homepage... better start than my last attempt :-)
However, when I look at my html of my homepage, the following info is missing from the code (at least when I look at in with webdev html editor
the site / home page is
In my bio description it reads like this (I'm going to abbreviate just so you can see what "lines" are where and in what order)
meta name description
meta name keywords
When I look at the source code for my homepage however, I am ONLY seeing the code that starts from that H2 and below. All the meta & meta are missing?
What did I do to cause those two important lines to be missing in action?
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
I have it right. I found the meta tags in my page source for the homepage.
There are RED / appearing in my source code. Are those not supposed to be there? Do I need to remove them? Or does that mean they are missing?
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
already defined on a page.
My Website index | My Blog
I didn't realize this!
Shall I be removing that info from my bio section?
It doesn't appear to be causing any problems that I'm aware of.... yet.
Where are they defined or should I say on what page?
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
I removed Head & Body
but I'd really like to learn / understand what happens when that is left in the bio... what problems can it cause?
Thank you for giving me the heads up on that!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
My meta name keywords are not showing up in the view page source?
But, Smugmug's are :-(
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
meta name description
meta name keywords
If you post this in the customize forum between code tags we could see maybe this. All the bold names are already defined and can't be used.
<div id="myDescription">
<meta name description...
<meta name keywords...
<Body ...
<h2>bunch of text....</h2>
All you need is this
<div id="myDescription">
all my text
My Website index | My Blog
Thank you, I'm learning :-)
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
In my CSS I put:
#mySearchwords {
display: none;
Then on the top of my bio before anything else I put:
div id="mySearchwords">
blah blah blah blah blah
Except the < 's precede div> and /div>.
Now the div tags don't show on my bio but all the keywords do.
What's up with that?
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
This is what I see at the end your CSS: When I run that through the CSS validator, it shows as As in it's being interpreted as one continuous definition, so I think that the div referencing mySearchwords alone is being ignored. I'm not sure what your intent is with the div #photobox line. I'd take it out and see if your #mySearchwords starts to behave as you expect.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
That did the trick ... I don't know what that line was for either ... it probably goes back to the beginning when I was trying to accomplish something or other.
So, if I put that div in all my gallery descriptions, would it increase my search results?
Will the Keyword Spam Police come and take me away?
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
You are keywording your photos, right?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Are you saying that the search engines only look at the bio page for keywords and not the gallery descriptions?
What would happen if I copied and pasted all my keywords into each of my photos, or at least some of them? Would that increase my search results? Would that create a problem anywhere?
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
The gallery descriptions are used, as are the photo keywords - but you should not repeat the same keywords on all of your photos. Take a look at this page in the wiki for more hints - Use relevant keywords, don't repeat the same keywords in all photos. I think that will be seen as keyword spam.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Ok, I do understand that if you put the word stock photo into the IPTC tag on every photo as a keyword, it might be viewed as spam.
However, if I have 12 photos of roses, how do I avoid putting the word rose or roses as keywords in those photos? Will the search engines see my using the word rose as spam in a dozen or two photos? Ofcourse, the keyword could just as easily be any other but, I hope you understand what I'm asking here?
Thanks in advance for your reply/ies
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
I've just registered on the google search engine and I'm not sure where "title Tags" or "Meta Tags go and how to add them.