This is a new video that new customers get on their temporary (during the trial) homepage box, in their control panels, and in the welcome email.
I like it. But, the jump from hiding the maps on the homepage to the control panel was a bit, uh, well, non-intuitive if you didn't know what you were doing already. Just my 2 cents.
It would make more sense if the whole browser window was showing, zoomed
in to a partial page section, I see very confusing to n00bs. At least zoom in
and out so each zoomed section is seen relative to page.:D
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
in to a partial page section, I see very confusing to n00bs. At least zoom in
and out so each zoomed section is seen relative to page.:D
Overall , very nice.
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