Support for Norwegian letter æ,ø and å and how to center a banner.
I am a Norwegian photographer just started using Smugmug. In Norwegian we have letters æ, ø and å and when I have words containing æ, ø, and å in keywords they will not be visible. Can somebody help me with this. :scratch
I also have problem center my banner, I have to tell I am new to html.
Please help,
Jon Fjeldstad
I also have problem center my banner, I have to tell I am new to html.
Please help,
Jon Fjeldstad
I fixed your banner, you were missing the letter "d" in the word "width".
We don't support those characters in keywords, as keywords become parts of urls, and then the urls would break, I'm so very sorry.
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I would thank you for your reply, I appreciate your help.
Jon fjeldstad