After unsuccessfully taking Buddy to get his picture "professionally" taken (you'd have thought we were taking him to the V-E-T ...), I realized doing it yourself is a whole lot better. Sitting still for Buddy has never been a problem ..., as long as there is food/treat involved!
This picture is a collage of two current photos with a picture when he was a few months old. He LOVES his balls ...
What a good idea! I'm gonna have to put one of those together for Kodah! Beautiful guy you got there, is he all Sheppard?
He is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too cute. I want one. If you figure out what he is, let me know. If he mates with something, I'll take one. lol.
What a good idea! I'm gonna have to put one of those together for Kodah! Beautiful guy you got there, is he all Sheppard?
We got Buddy as a pup from the SPCA and the father was unknown. Because of his coat and his tail, the vet thinks he's a bit husky (he "talks" alot too). We call him "Buddy the Wonder Dog" ... because we wonder if he knows he's a dog ... He is 85 pounds big baby and thinks he's human He expects to go EVERYWHERE. He would drive the car if he could reach the pedals! Instead, he just co-pilots. Did I say that he sheds?! He's the gift that just keeps on giving... But we wouldn't have it any other way. Dogs are part of the family ...
Chloe, Taylor & Gucci In our "playroom" we have an ugly old red sofa. We kept it for the boys (11 yr. old twins), so that they would have a place to stretch out and watch TV, or read... More often than not, it is our four legged children who claim its domain. Should you want to sit on the sofa, you have to fight for a spot. Really the only way to gain a position, is to lure them off with a dog buscuit or a walk, even then you have to race 'em back... Anyway, that's why most of my shots of the "gang" are on the "ugly sofa."
Chloe - 7 1/2 year old Weimaraner Taylor- 18 month old Powderpuff Crested Gucci- 3 year old Coon Hound
"Chloes' Nose"
"Deep Sleep"
"Taylors' Paw"
Gucci's "Eye & Ear"
"Long Days"
"Alert & Ready"
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Gucci hoping for a bite. Gucci takes "Food" seriously... as my daughter was eating a slice of 'cheese cake," Gucci was making her desires known. ginette
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
I was in Charlston SC this weekend WITHOUT MY CAMERA!! and saw this little guy resting in the heat with his kid owner... only had my canon elf with me... next time I'll take the Rebel..
Thought of you Sid when I saw this shot, your park in Atlanta..
I was in Charlston SC this weekend WITHOUT MY CAMERA!! and saw this little guy resting in the heat with his kid owner... only had my canon elf with me... next time I'll take the Rebel..
Thought of you Sid when I saw this shot, your park in Atlanta..
I like this just fine. There is a place for P&S shots and this is a good example. Nice work.
We got Buddy as a pup from the SPCA and the father was unknown. Because of his coat and his tail, the vet thinks he's a bit husky (he "talks" alot too). We call him "Buddy the Wonder Dog" ... because we wonder if he knows he's a dog ... He is 85 pounds big baby and thinks he's human
Her markings on her face look like a little mask. So I call her "Hong Kong Millie"
We still don't know. We'll have to wait until we take him to a real vet back in the States. Thanks!! He's cool too. Great personality.
In our "playroom" we have an ugly old red sofa. We kept it for the boys (11 yr. old twins), so that they would have a place to stretch out and watch TV, or read... More often than not, it is our four legged children who claim its domain. Should you want to sit on the sofa, you have to fight for a spot. Really the only way to gain a position, is to lure them off with a dog buscuit or a walk, even then you have to race 'em back... Anyway, that's why most of my shots of the "gang" are on the "ugly sofa."
Taylor- 18 month old Powderpuff Crested
Gucci- 3 year old Coon Hound
"Deep Sleep"
"Taylors' Paw"
Gucci's "Eye & Ear"
"Long Days"
"Alert & Ready"
Gucci takes "Food" seriously... as my daughter was eating a slice of 'cheese cake," Gucci was making her desires known.
Thought of you Sid when I saw this shot, your park in Atlanta..
nice shot.