Trouble w/ theme in firefox
I have most of my galleries set up w/ SmugMug presentation (and stretchy). Today (even after clearing cache and restarting) Firefox presents the pics as
- thumbnails on left
- big empty space on right (where pic normally is)
- big pic down below everything and need to scroll to see it.
Works fine on IE7 (which I try to avoid). Worked fine on FF Thursday.
Ideas as to what went wrong?
ETA: more info...not in all my galleries. Seems predominant in my Family galleries such as this one
- thumbnails on left
- big empty space on right (where pic normally is)
- big pic down below everything and need to scroll to see it.
Works fine on IE7 (which I try to avoid). Worked fine on FF Thursday.
Ideas as to what went wrong?
ETA: more info...not in all my galleries. Seems predominant in my Family galleries such as this one
More info: I took the password off the gallery and it displayed correctly. When I put it back on, bad formatting reappears.
Yup, that's it. Password. I applied it to a gallery that was behaving well, and it wonked out as well. Took it off, was fine again.
Firefox has sure been acting wonky lately and your email tells me you have a sidebar open too. Is the photo dropping below the thumbs or just not there?
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I tried same steps I stated in email (below) in IE7 and that works. What confuses me is if FF issue, why does the problem only show up in pwd protected galleries and not the non-pwd ones?
Yes, the photo is dropping below the thumbs.
Addons I have are Sage, flashblock, web developer, adblock, dom inspector, talkback, update bookmark and open link in... (enough?
Part of email thread below for those interested:
My BB post was originally titled "theme" but I meant "layout" SmugMug gradient is a theme and not a layout. The theme does not matter here. Layout does.
Again, ONLY my pwd protected galleries experience this (and all have the same layout set). Browser is full screen. Resizing doesn't make a difference until I resize it small enough such that it defaults to smugmug small rather than using Stretchy. Other layouts (smugmug small, journal, etc) do not have this issue. Other (non pwd protected galleries w/ otherwise exact same setup) do not have this issue. Screen is at 1680x1050 and always has been.
Reproduced this on my husbands laptop (linux w/ FF). Steps to see work vs. non-work.
1) Have no sidebar open in browser and load gallery. It is fine.
2) Open sidebar (which I always have open) (History will do). Gallery layout is fine.
3) Resize sidebar a smidge. Gallery is fine
4) Reload/Refresh gallery page. It is now messed up.
5) Other pwd protected galleries you now view (no need to mess w/ sidebar any longer) are also messed up.
He will try to overcome this problem in Firefox, at some point.
This also does not affect all users of Firefox, so very odd.
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