Minor bug(?) with SmugMug view... Display of Prev/Next links
Hi -
I would like to report what appears to be a minor and erratic bug with how the Prev/Next links are displayed above the large photo in SmugMug view.
If you scroll through your photos one at a time by pressing "Next", you may notice that "Prev" and "Next" disappear on certain photos in certain albums. This also happens when you click on certain thumbs. The left and right carats (i.e., "<" and ">") remain (and are clickable), but the "Prev" and "Next" words disappear.
I have attached a pair of screenshots (from the DGRIN Gallery) illustrating this issue. The problem also occurs in a couple of my albums. It is reproducible (at least most of the time).
Certainly not the biggest deal in the world to me, but I thought I would report it.
Tom Kirkpatrick
I would like to report what appears to be a minor and erratic bug with how the Prev/Next links are displayed above the large photo in SmugMug view.
If you scroll through your photos one at a time by pressing "Next", you may notice that "Prev" and "Next" disappear on certain photos in certain albums. This also happens when you click on certain thumbs. The left and right carats (i.e., "<" and ">") remain (and are clickable), but the "Prev" and "Next" words disappear.
I have attached a pair of screenshots (from the DGRIN Gallery) illustrating this issue. The problem also occurs in a couple of my albums. It is reproducible (at least most of the time).
Certainly not the biggest deal in the world to me, but I thought I would report it.
Tom Kirkpatrick
It's probably a bug in the dgrin site customizing.
Let me know.
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I originally experienced this problem on my own site. I went onto the DGRIN Gallery just to make sure I hadn't caused the problem with my own coding. It did not take me long to see the problem in the DGRIN Gallery. Given that the problem happens in both accounts, there could be something more general happening.
I did not see the problem in the album at the link you provided. However, many of my own albums work just fine.
Tom Kirkpatrick