Magic Lantern Guides

Ever lose your camera's instruction manual? Want a different perspective
on how to use it? Curious how the camera you're thinking about works?
You'll find these things in Magic Lantern Guides. Magic Lantern produces a
number of nicely sized books for many of today's popular cameras. Including
the D70, 10D, and 1d(s)mkII. The books are priced around USD$20 and really
do offer everything the original manual did and a few more things.
I picked up a copy for the 1DMkII. Within the first 40 pages or so, you'll
get an idea of the difference and advantages between and of film and digital,
10 quick steps to setting up the camera. The rest of the guide details
exposure control, focusing, lenses and other accessories as well as flash.
Is it worth the $20? If you have the manual already, maybe/maybe not. If
you need a replacement, absolutely.
Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and
on how to use it? Curious how the camera you're thinking about works?
You'll find these things in Magic Lantern Guides. Magic Lantern produces a
number of nicely sized books for many of today's popular cameras. Including
the D70, 10D, and 1d(s)mkII. The books are priced around USD$20 and really
do offer everything the original manual did and a few more things.
I picked up a copy for the 1DMkII. Within the first 40 pages or so, you'll
get an idea of the difference and advantages between and of film and digital,
10 quick steps to setting up the camera. The rest of the guide details
exposure control, focusing, lenses and other accessories as well as flash.
Is it worth the $20? If you have the manual already, maybe/maybe not. If
you need a replacement, absolutely.
Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and
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