Need a Bit of a Tutorial
Hi, All!
I'm a digital newbie and I need some definitions. I'm using ACDSeePro2 and it has a slider up top w/a dropdown list of actions. Some of these are self-evident, but a few I can't figure out. ('May use 'em anyway, but can't figure what it is they're doing.)
What does a "multiply" function do to an image? And 'Luminosity"?
And "Overlay"?
Thanks for any , 'scuse the expression, "light you can shed" on this for me.
I'm a digital newbie and I need some definitions. I'm using ACDSeePro2 and it has a slider up top w/a dropdown list of actions. Some of these are self-evident, but a few I can't figure out. ('May use 'em anyway, but can't figure what it is they're doing.)
What does a "multiply" function do to an image? And 'Luminosity"?
And "Overlay"?
Thanks for any , 'scuse the expression, "light you can shed" on this for me.
Roaddog, in Photoshop, these are known as blend/ing modes. How one set of edits or pixel data is applied to other pixel data (layers, brush work etc). Resulting pixels are usually altered from their normal blend state to darken, lighten, add contrast or other pixel math is performed, such as adding tone but not colour. The two most basic and or common approaches to varying the effect of an edit are to change the opacity and or blend mode of the edit. A web search will kick up a lot of information on these various modes from various programs.
Your ACDSee manual/help system should explain things, as each program often has their own implementation of these "standard" modes. A general link that goes into some of these "generic" blending modes can be found here in PDF form:
Hope this helps,
Stephen Marsh
I really appreciate th' quick reply. I got the PDF's you recomended and will read 'em in a while. This stuff puzzles me t' no end and help clearin' it up is MOST welcome.
Thanks Roaddog, I still recommend the software manual/help system for your particular software, although that being said here is what Adobe have to say about their blending modes:
Stephen Marsh
I'm printin' that Adobe page. Wil prob'ly print the PDF's I got from you as well. Tnx a lot, Major, you've been a major help.