
Good Evening Folks,
I shot this earlier tonight with my old Bigma ( I recently sold this lens to a friend so I have access to it whenever :wink ) Anyway, this was the best shot out of approximately 10. No pp, just cropped. I believe it was 500mm at F10, .6 sec exposure. Thanks for looking :thumb
Have a good evening
I shot this earlier tonight with my old Bigma ( I recently sold this lens to a friend so I have access to it whenever :wink ) Anyway, this was the best shot out of approximately 10. No pp, just cropped. I believe it was 500mm at F10, .6 sec exposure. Thanks for looking :thumb
Have a good evening

Thank you. I just shot a few more, but haven't looked at them yet. Time to get the lens to bed for the night :cry
Have a good evening
That's pretty cool Jim, we can even see the rings
Well done ! least we can actually see what it is ... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Good Morning,
No. Just Da Bigma at 500mm. I will be more then happy to e-mail you the original, straight from the camera, picture
I have used that lens more since I sold it to my friend, then probably when I had the lens for about a year
Have a good day
Morning Skippy,
That was the best shot out of 20 total, including the ones I shot after I posted that picture. I shot Saturn once b4 last year, but it was not even close to any of the pictures I shot last evening. Could have been unfavorable atmospheric conditions at that time :cry
Have a good day
Jim....I'm not questioning you on the photo. Please forgive me if you thought I was. I just didn't know a lens could do that so I thought I would ask if you used a telescope with your camera. It is an amazing photo
I've been thinking about getting the 100-400, but maybe I will need to look alittle closer at the Bigma 500.
Good Morning,
No apology necessary
As for the 100-400mm, an extra 100mm on the long end + an extra 50mm on the wide end doesn't hurt. That's why I choose Da Bigma in the first place. It's much more useful with that range, just heavy (4.1 lbs) after a while.
Have a good day
Yeah. This might give me a reason to upgrade to the Xsi or maybe even the 40D so I can use the live view
Have a good day
4.1 lbs.....that isn't light weight
Live interests me in its ability, but haven't seen it in use yet.
If you give me your e-mail, I will be more then happy to send you the original, straight from the camera, picture, complete with the EXIF data
Have a good evening