Design Critique of a Website front end.

I Hope this is OK to post up here. I would like to get some feedback on this and I remembered how honest everyone is in here ;D Well, i am going to post this and if it not contextually appropriate take it down and send me a PM.
Basic Feedback in overall design, things I could do differently and things you might add or completely trash. Thanks guys and gals :rolleyes
Basic Feedback in overall design, things I could do differently and things you might add or completely trash. Thanks guys and gals :rolleyes

I can see why you picked it...for the background color I'm assuming, but maybe try a different version that has a wee bit more off in the horizon.
Just my opinion
I'm still working on mine and your way ahead of me
and horizon so close to that line just seem too close to me...
my .02
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AaronNelson - The horizen thing does need to be corrected! Alas I am stuck working with Gimp. I need to firgure out how to fix that
Dogdots - First off, that is an extreamly cute dog you have there. I agree more sunset less water! It makes complete sence, those things we should plainly see when staring us in the face sometimes need a new perspective. Thanks for that
Scott McPherson
No problem...I'm really good at doing things like that with my photos and not noticing it till later. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in one part of the photo and don't look at it as a whole picture
That cute dog is Tyler. Boy name...girl dog, but that is the only name she would respond to. If your a dog lover...she is the best dog. Loves to cuddle...and spoiled rotten
I agree with other posts on the horizon of the background pic. ...however as far as being a website, is there going to be text in there? If not, I think it is neat, but a ton of wasted space filled with water. Sorry!!
..the calendar.. is it going to mark anything or just show the current date? If it is just a calendar showing todays date, I don't see the point.
The text on the top could stand a bit of pop.. Maybe another layer of text and add a bit of glow, or just try a drop shadow on the original with and play with different colors with the shadow? ..or maybe just clone the text and bump it over and down a bit... I dunno.. I just feel it is a bit too floaty and it being a thinner font seems to get a bit lost in the pic..
..of course that might just be me!