Statistics -- hits high

RickRick Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
edited June 6, 2006 in SmugMug Support
Gee I can't believe my eyes on the stats for hits coming into my SmugMug galleries. I set them up yesterday and certainly didn't advertise them. On one of my galleries there are about 500 hits to the thumbnails. How did these hits occur? I have a brand new account --- a trial one at that.

Whenever I create a gallery and it's basically open to the public does something get announced somewhere about it? And then people start looking at it? I swear I haven't told anyone about my galleries except for one which is linked to a website. But that is not the one I am talking about with the 500 hits. It only has about 80 hits.


  • scrooksscrooks Registered Users Posts: 61 Big grins
    edited March 30, 2004
    How to reset those stats?
    Another statistics comment -- is there anyway to reset the numbers back to 0? That would be sufficient for my needs, but best would be a double set of statistics: all time hits, plus hits since the last reset to 0.
    Steve Crooks
  • BaldyBaldy Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,853 moderator
    edited March 30, 2004
    scrooks wrote:
    Another statistics comment -- is there anyway to reset the numbers back to 0? That would be sufficient for my needs, but best would be a double set of statistics: all time hits, plus hits since the last reset to 0.
    We reset them to zero each month at the beginning of the month. We actually keep them from the beginning of time but we don't have the user interface to display them over many months or a year yet.

    On the number of hits, you're not alone in wondering where they all come from. It's common when someone gets a new account to say, whoa! (You can click on the graphs to get more details.)

    There are two sizes of thumbnails, one which is 150 pixels on a side and one that's 100. Elegant gallery style uses the small size and produces 15 for each gallery page. If you do something like bulk caption, it throws up a big thumb for every shot in the gallery (so you can see what you're captioning). By the time you've looked through your galleries, switched styles a few times to see what that does, used some of the editing tools like bulk move (produces a small thumbnail hit for each one in the gallery), etc., it adds up.

    The good news is, however, it doesn't take much bandwidth.

    Also, if your galleries are public, they appear in the search engine and we have a lot of people coming to smugmug and searching.

    I hope this helps,
  • scrooksscrooks Registered Users Posts: 61 Big grins
    edited March 30, 2004
    Baldy wrote:
    We reset them to zero each month at the beginning of the month.

    Guess I posted 2 days too soon. :-)

    An emailed summary at the end of each month would be a handy option, so that I don't have to remember to go check how the month went before they're reset on the 1st. Just a summary at the gallery level would be fine for me, no need for individual photo stats (although I imagine others would like that, and I'd probably opt for it were it available.)
    Steve Crooks
  • wxwaxwxwax Registered Users Posts: 15,471 Major grins
    edited March 30, 2004
    Rick wrote:
    Whenever I create a gallery and it's basically open to the public does something get announced somewhere about it? And then people start looking at it?

    Yes. We have a secret forum where we discuss this. We're very concerned about your work. A representative will get in touch with you shortly.
    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited March 31, 2004
    Smugmug is the stuff !! thumb.gif
  • PerezDesignGroupPerezDesignGroup Registered Users Posts: 395 Major grins
    edited April 6, 2004
    Ok, I was pondering this the other day. Is there any way to see the referrers? It would be nice to see where the actual hits are coming from in some sort of graph or list. Webalizer does this to an extent.
    Canon Digital Rebel | Canon EOS 35mm | Yashica Electro GSN | Fed5B | Holga 35 MF

  • MainFraggerMainFragger Registered Users Posts: 563 Major grins
    edited April 25, 2004
    Picture Stats
    scrooks wrote:
    Guess I posted 2 days too soon. :-)

    An emailed summary at the end of each month would be a handy option, so that I don't have to remember to go check how the month went before they're reset on the 1st. Just a summary at the gallery level would be fine for me, no need for individual photo stats (although I imagine others would like that, and I'd probably opt for it were it available.)
    I admit, I check to see my activity like 10 times a day. I am one of those that would love to see the individual picture stats. This helps me guage what people like and don't like.

    Also, I would love to see a forum or guestbook tied to each album so that people could directly discuss the images in the album.

    Without actually establishing a mailing list myself, it would be nice if there would be a request to be on a mailing list on each album. That way, when an album is updated, or new album added, that person can get a notification. Then they could also have the option of whether they want the notifier to notify me of their interest. If they want me to be notified, their name goes on a follower count, and I get a monthly e-mail report of who was interested. If not, then I just get a flat count of how many people are on my notify list. This is a good tool for keeping track of fans.

  • BaldyBaldy Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,853 moderator
    edited April 25, 2004
    I admit, I check to see my activity like 10 times a day. I am one of those that would love to see the individual picture stats. This helps me guage what people like and don't like.
    Hey MainFragger,

    If you click on the graphs in your statistics, you'll see individual picture stats.

    The other suggestions are good and we hear about them a fair amount. I hope we can get to them in the future but right now we have quite a bit on our plates.

  • LoadedagainLoadedagain Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited April 28, 2004
    holy cow! 11,000 thumb views in one gallery.
  • NetgardenNetgarden Registered Users Posts: 829 Major grins
    edited April 28, 2004
    holy cow! 11,000 thumb views in one gallery.
    Thanks for all the info, as I wondered about this as well.
    How concerned should we be about whether to pay more for the non/right clicking on a photo? Should we just disable the larger sizes? I don't upload the full size photo, but they are high enough in bytes to be used on the web, easily. I still can't make up my mond on this subject. Thanks

    I love Smugmug by the way!
  • BaldyBaldy Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,853 moderator
    edited April 28, 2004
    Netgarden wrote:
    Thanks for all the info, as I wondered about this as well.
    How concerned should we be about whether to pay more for the non/right clicking on a photo? Should we just disable the larger sizes? I don't upload the full size photo, but they are high enough in bytes to be used on the web, easily. I still can't make up my mond on this subject. Thanks

    I love Smugmug by the way!
    Security on the larger images is really a hot topic right now. We disabled originals but several people want us to disable large, and I can understand why. The problem is there are a lot of ramifications from a user interface point of view.

    By the way, it's possible to add javascript to your cobranding in power user accounts to block right clicking.
  • MainFraggerMainFragger Registered Users Posts: 563 Major grins
    edited May 17, 2004
    I've been thinking about the high thumb hits
    holy cow! 11,000 thumb views in one gallery.
    And if you assume an ideal situation in which everyone is equally viewing every page of your album (thumbs only) and that every page is full, this formula would at least give you an idea of how many visitors have seen your thumbs.

    # of hits divided by (# of pages of albumX15)

    so lets say your album is 20 pages long, and you got your 11,000 hits.

    15 images per page (unless its different for different people) X 20

    300 images total. Divide your 11,000 by 300, this should be your total viewers.

    37 people, roughly.

    There are other variables that actually come into play however that may make these numbers skew a bit. Like uneven viewing, and the last page of the album not being full, and your conversions, of course.

  • MainFraggerMainFragger Registered Users Posts: 563 Major grins
    edited May 17, 2004
    Just to add a thought..
    And if you assume an ideal situation in which everyone is equally viewing every page of your album (thumbs only) and that every page is full, this formula would at least give you an idea of how many visitors have seen your thumbs.

    # of hits divided by (# of pages of albumX15)

    so lets say your album is 20 pages long, and you got your 11,000 hits.

    15 images per page (unless its different for different people) X 20

    300 images total. Divide your 11,000 by 300, this should be your total viewers.

    37 people, roughly.

    There are other variables that actually come into play however that may make these numbers skew a bit. Like uneven viewing, and the last page of the album not being full, and your conversions, of course.

    It would actually be nice if a) you didn't have to go to stats to see the image count. If you are logged in as you, it be cool to see them automatically by/above/under the image. b) If the hit count was based off of how many people visited your album in addition to how many total hits i.e. 11,000 hits divided by 36 total visitors. 10 out of 36 viewers clicked on at least one thumbnail. 5 out of 36 were Smugmug members. The remaining 31 were from off site. 3 people out of 36 voted for your gallery. There are # new comments on this album. The last comment was made on : MM/DD/YY

    And all of this would appear at the top of your album.

    (Heh. I can practically see the site programmer's nails digging into his desk when he reads this.)

  • staypuffinpcstaypuffinpc Registered Users Posts: 80 Big grins
    edited June 6, 2006
    seeing individual statistics
    Baldy wrote:
    If you click on the graphs in your statistics, you'll see individual picture stats.

    When I click on the graph, it takes me to the "gallery stats," but that only shows three thumbnails out of 78 pictures. The stats on those thumbnails has only got 1 Large hit and 0 for everything else. I know this is wrong because I, myself, have logged more hits on these pics and I have asked about 10 people to go in and choose their favorite 5-10 pics, and they have replied to me. I checked other galleries and none of them show all of the thumbnails. The ones that seem to log more hits are the ones that I have marked as "popular" and appear in my slideshow on the front page.

    I wonder if the problem occurs because of the way I have the site set up. I have set the default view to be "filmstrip" and do not allow another view. I have one gallery set up as "slideshow" only and it at least lists every picture in the gallery. Are stats not generated correctly for filmstrip view?

    Also, I was wondering if there's a way to see how many "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" votes a picture gets. Some people rated the photos that way, thinking that I would be able to see that stat. Is this possible?

    Thanks ahead of time for the help and answers.
    {something witty here}
  • bwgbwg Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,119 SmugMug Employee
    edited June 6, 2006
    When I click on the graph, it takes me to the "gallery stats," but that only shows three thumbnails out of 78 pictures. The stats on those thumbnails has only got 1 Large hit and 0 for everything else. I know this is wrong because I, myself, have logged more hits on these pics and I have asked about 10 people to go in and choose their favorite 5-10 pics, and they have replied to me. I checked other galleries and none of them show all of the thumbnails. The ones that seem to log more hits are the ones that I have marked as "popular" and appear in my slideshow on the front page.

    I wonder if the problem occurs because of the way I have the site set up. I have set the default view to be "filmstrip" and do not allow another view. I have one gallery set up as "slideshow" only and it at least lists every picture in the gallery. Are stats not generated correctly for filmstrip view?

    Also, I was wondering if there's a way to see how many "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" votes a picture gets. Some people rated the photos that way, thinking that I would be able to see that stat. Is this possible?

    Thanks ahead of time for the help and answers.
    stats are currently disabled.

    and there's currently no way to see your thumbs up/down stats.
    Pedal faster
  • staypuffinpcstaypuffinpc Registered Users Posts: 80 Big grins
    edited June 6, 2006
    bigwebguy wrote:
    stats are currently disabled.

    and there's currently no way to see your thumbs up/down stats.
    :cry bummer. I haven't checked statcounter or the other site yet, but I'm pretty sure that in filmstrip view, they won't give me the stats I need. I'll be REALLY happy when the stats come back online. thanks for the reply.
    {something witty here}
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