Help: Exporting from LR
If I have asked this question before, sorry, I have taken in so much over the last month with LR, CS3, and setting up a website that I have had to purge some childhood memories to make room.
Using the LR Uploader, what is the optimum setting for RESOLUTION. The uploader displays 300ppi. Should I change that to a more managable 240, or will that hurt the image when EZ Prints prints a customer order.
Using the LR Uploader, what is the optimum setting for RESOLUTION. The uploader displays 300ppi. Should I change that to a more managable 240, or will that hurt the image when EZ Prints prints a customer order.
Barry Nichols
240ppi should be fine for most prints.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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Uploading processed Jpegs, I have the Plugin. I followed Andy's advice on all the other settings, quality 90-100, diminsions untouched. I am looking for that perfect balance of upload speed and quality.