Batch Uploading?

gregsphotosgregsphotos Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
edited February 26, 2008 in SmugMug Support
Over the years I have stored my photos on my hard drive in folders organized first by year, and then subfolders within the years named with the actual date and a brief description.

For example...

2008-12-25 Christmas
2008-11-220 Zachs Brithday
2007-07-04 Independence Day
2007-02-14 Valentines Day

This has grown into a large tree over the years. I would like to upload most of it to SmugMug following a similar structure, with each subfolder of photos becoming an individual gallery. Is there an easy way to upload to more than one gallery at a time?

Ideally I'd like to select one parent folder to upload and have it create an individual galleries for each subfolder, placing the appropriate photos into the gallery from its related subfolder (hopefully that makes sense). Even better if it would use the folder name for the gallery name

Is this doable? If not, is there a recommended way other than creating each gallery individually and uploading to it manually?


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