Chal 35: ginger

No photo, and no car to get one, but I want to say what I am thinking of before someone else thinks they thought of it first.
I am going to try to find the biggest lens possible (hopefully Canon white) and steal, I am going to try to use it as greed, lust or something.
My car is in the shop. I may not get to this til Monday, but I thought of it going to sleep last night, it is my only idea.
All of us should relate to lenses. So mine will be lenses in some fashion. Lust, love those "size does matter" lenses, envy, you have one, I don't, etc.
ginger (my car is getting the rear axel replaced)
I am going to try to find the biggest lens possible (hopefully Canon white) and steal, I am going to try to use it as greed, lust or something.
My car is in the shop. I may not get to this til Monday, but I thought of it going to sleep last night, it is my only idea.
All of us should relate to lenses. So mine will be lenses in some fashion. Lust, love those "size does matter" lenses, envy, you have one, I don't, etc.
ginger (my car is getting the rear axel replaced)
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
early on i was thinking of renting a lens and making a collage with our bills and student loans in the background...i could think of a way to really make it work. i anxious to see what you com up with.