Metering & Focus Question
Just some opinion questions.
- When shooting several people in a group pic, where do most people aim their focus?
- Where do most people take their metering from?
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But, I've found on-camera flash to be less then consistent. So, when possible, I use off-camera flash especially as I don't have the time or motivation to set the flash manually. And, besides, the off-camera lighting tends to provide much more interesting light than is possible with on-camera flash (I've done it both way and found what I like).
For the group shots after the wedding, I use an incident flash light meter (and PWs for trigger) to set the flash(es). This works well for me as I almost always have time to set up and tear down, especially if I have a second along for the ride.
At the reception, I, again, use off-camera flash. I set the flash power using the flash meter at the position where I think most of the action will take place. Later, as the action moves around the room, I adjust my aperture to compensate for the distance between the subject and the closest flash. Under these conditions, the inverse square law is not all that hard to fudge in your head.
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