Infrared... duotone... adobe.

Shot in infrared, converted to duotone.
This is close up detail of the roof of the North Las Vegas air terminal that my wife flies from via Angel Flight to her cancer treatment in California. I've been wanting to take some pictures of it and I finally decided to on Tuesday. I only had my IR modded Pro1 with me so no visible light shots this time. I cloned out some modern elements--some security lights and air conditioning vents.
That looks good Bill, I was thinking that has to be in a desert some place
The building itself is a nice shape, the ladders really add to it too.
Hope your wife is doing well with her treatments ... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
What a neat shot, I really like the composition and the Subject is one of my favorites, Adobe type buildings.
The post processing is very subtle and pleasing to the eye.
Very nicely done.
Please give my Best to your Wife.
Burleson, Texas