Sample from Graphistudio

Arrived today, UPS from Italy. Huge book, fine suitcase, smaller books, the works. All - free of charge! :ivar
I must say I'm genuinely impressed by the level of customer service thus far. The US representative calls me pretty much every month to offer her help or just to touch base with me in case I need anything or have a question. Not a single time during those conversation, however, I felt a single bit of a pressure to sell me something - and I'm fairly sensitive to these things...
WTG, Graphistudio! :thumb
I must say I'm genuinely impressed by the level of customer service thus far. The US representative calls me pretty much every month to offer her help or just to touch base with me in case I need anything or have a question. Not a single time during those conversation, however, I felt a single bit of a pressure to sell me something - and I'm fairly sensitive to these things...
WTG, Graphistudio! :thumb
"May the f/stop be with you!"
But seriously the products are amazing, and hey, it's the greatest sample packet I've seen for free! Maybe I'll get around to posting some pics....
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
1: It was shipped Monday via UPS from Italy and arrived to my home in SoCal Wednesday before I got from work. I wish some domestic companies were like that...:
2: Very nice packaging:
3: The content of the box - yes, the fine leather case was in...:
4: The folder contained the price list and some very nice promos - how about 50(!) 4'x5' books FREE (well alongside with the primary order, but it's still $510 value:-):
5: Smaller books and design manual inside the envelope:
6: Finally - the case. The contents is wrapped in a soft cloth.:
7: Inside is 50 page hard (very hard:-) cover large sample book with variety of page material and styles.:
8: One of the layout samples:
9: Both book and pages are made to last.:
The small gallery with this pics is here:
Register with them and you will - eventually - get one, too! ;-)
Turn around time, templates w/ drop in photos or full customization, and all the other usual book questions?
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I have the Graphi Samples too - for quite a while. They are stunning.
But, I have NEVER heard from the Graphi Rep. Not once. Also, there are a number of threads with real customer service issues over at the Digital Wedding Forum.
Apparently there are some real growing pains and communications issues being in Italy with them.
All of that said, I have been sourcing out other book vendors to have some unique things for my studio. Those studio samples are pricey....but there are some very nice ones out there.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.