best color for watermark?
i know it actually depends on a number of things. for example i know if you are putting a watermark on a snowy picture you dont want a whitre watermark, but....what iyho is the best overall colro to make a watermark. mine are all grey from photoshop but i think they get lost on a lot of my images. thanks for the input.
I used 2c2c2c and then lots of fading
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I wondered about this and decided at one timethe solution was to put s strong black-white gradient on it, but it doesn't look that great
My latest version is justa small white version as I like the cleanness of it, but of course it won't work on white
If I start talking many images with white in I will either move it to the middle or top of the image, or do a black version and keep those images in their own galleries so I can add that WM to just them
It's an interesting question!
Also - you can have more than one watermark on SmugMug. Use one as the default in each gallery. When you see a picture where the watermark is not quite right then simply apply a different watermark to that one photo.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy