Original images viewed?
I have a gallery that is set to allow a maximum viewing size of XL, but a couple of the originals have been viewed. The gallery is http://jziegler.smugmug.com/gallery/4413255_mj8vH/1/259269545_X58Q8
How could these originals have been viewed?
How could these originals have been viewed?
James Ziegler
The stats were updated recently to no longer count your hits while logged in. But, there are still a few photo tools that might generate hits. Have you used any photo tools on these images? Watermarking, rotation, color correction? Or, have you used any thirdparty applications/hacks with your site? There are a few that may create hits when working with your site.
Can you give us some details? Did you set the size limit before or after the photos were uploaded?
I set the limit when I created the gallery. All images were watermarked when uploaded, I didn't see the original when they were first uploaded. The only third party application that I use is the Facebook application to show photos there. I didn't use any of the tools that you mention, but I might have accidentally selected a different photo tool when I was going for the geography tool or the captioning/keywording tool, I don't remember. Possibly the crop tool.
I'm not too worried about this since it doesn't seem like some way to regularly see the originals, but I did see this one other month, and wasn't sure what it was from.
I am searching for an answer to a question and your reply here comes the closest. I thought I remember reading that when you were logged in and viewed an image it didnt contribute to the stats. I see now, by experimentation, that by switching to visitor view and viewing a photo, it DOES add to the stats. Can you clarify?
Many thanks
Sure - Visitor View is essentially logged out
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