Macro Willie Wag Tail
A few got together this morning for an early meet up to take pics etc (I got a great one of the sunrise) but I noticed this very friendly Willie Wag Tail. So, I just sat quietly away from the others and eventually he hopped over.
I took these two pictures with the macro lens and hand held. One I put into B&W - not sure about that atm.
As always C&C most welcome.


Thanks everyone.
I took these two pictures with the macro lens and hand held. One I put into B&W - not sure about that atm.
As always C&C most welcome.


Thanks everyone.
In the first shot he/she looks like they're ignoring you.
The B&W Shot makes it look really big
I love those Willy Wagtails, saw two teasing the daylights out of an old Church Cat one day while attending a Wedding.
Two of them were dive bombing the poor old cat as it tried to get away from them, the cat looked so humiliated.
Thanks for sharing Michelle .... Skippy
(I moved the thread over here to Wildlife, it's not really a Macro as such ... Skippy)
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Oh - Im sorry about that. Because I took these with the macro lens, and was only half a metre away - I thought it was a picture for the macro forum. Thanks for popping it in the right spot.