Hello everyone i am quite new to smug mug and was wondering if i could get some feedback on my portfolio. nece to meet you all. my link is www.lightboxstudios.smugmug.com
Lots of creative stuff in your "Other Stuff" category.
The Wee Ones - portrait work is usually about getting at least the eyes in focus; at least these sorts of portraits. You missed the mark more than you hit it. In some cases, you got the ears. Other, the chest or center of mass.
Miracle Bumbs (should that be bumps?) - they are a little centered. For example, the first one - if you had raised your focus a bit, you might have gotten her expression as well as the bump
The beautiful people - nice compositions. Focus is off in many of them.
Overall, you have a very good start and a lot of potential. I think I would concentrate on acquiring subject focus and one control of lighting.
Hello everyone i am quite new to smug mug and was wondering if i could get some feedback on my portfolio. nece to meet you all. my link is www.lightboxstudios.smugmug.com
In Other cool shots I like the house image that is the cover of your album. I also like the one looking outside to the wicked sky.
I like the interesting stuff you try in 'beautiful people' and I would love to know how this filter is done on this picture. http://www.lightboxstudios.smugmug.com/gallery/4133116_YL3Ga#246035438
Good job over all, keep it up.
Overall, you have a very good start and a lot of potential. I think I would concentrate on acquiring subject focus and one control of lighting.
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In Other cool shots I like the house image that is the cover of your album. I also like the one looking outside to the wicked sky.
I like the interesting stuff you try in 'beautiful people' and I would love to know how this filter is done on this picture.
Good job over all, keep it up.