What is going on?
I started building my site in December of last year. It is still not done since I do not have whole lot of time lately to work on it. Usually, every time I get to work on it I show up here with questions. Every time I get to work on it I run into problems. Not only new problems, but old ones as well. I fix some problems with your help guys, and in couple of weeks or sooner same problems. The latest I fixed was "about us" section. I look at it today and it is messed up behind belief. In explorer the picture does not show, in firefox the picture does not show and the text is all over the screen. Also, in firefox the slide show does not work anymore. I know I am not making these changes. Either the code is weak or site maintenance has to something with it. What else could it be? I am just getting very frustrated. The site is hard enough to do any customization without knowledge of HTML (not as easy as advertized, at least) and when you finally get it done it gets screwed up again. I just do not have a time for this anymore. So, I am calling for help for the last time.
Please, let me know what is going on?
Please, let me know what is going on?
Here's the thread:
Also try the flash slideshow. It works well and is easier to set up than the JS show.
Knowck out one thing at a time and there will be lots of support. Also I'd suggest doinig a search on your problem and seeing if there is a RECENT post about it.
Thank you very much for the response. The slide show isn't the biggest problem, it still works in IE. Stability and customization is a real problem. No knowledge oF HTML required is advertised, but unfortunately without it cannot customize anything here. You call tech support and they send you here for answers. Not everyone has time to browse thru endless topics here to find the answer. I just think a company of this scale should at least come up with visual editor, then their statement would be true. Smugmug has alot of neat features, but without little custom work it looks rather outdated. Being able to customize was a reason I chose Pro account, otherwise I could get any of their competitor for much lower price. I am just very dissappointed...and still no help other than your post.
You bring up many points nas some valid issues and a cool feature too.
Customization requires some HTML and maybe a bit oc CSS knowledge. However there are great support folks that work in the forums helping hundreds of peopel a day. One of the reasons I have a pro account here is the support in this forum,
The best way I've seen to get problems resolved is to:
Break down the problems into pieces.
Search the forums for that specific issue
If you don't readily see an snswer then post the question to that forum.
When you post always state your specific problem and always give the URL(s) of the site.
This is not a perfect site but it is very good. There is always room for improvement and new features do become availabe.
Be a little patient and spend a little time here and you will get the hellp you need.
links are not on in the source gallery.
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Thank you for moral support:D. I know there are alot folks on this forum that share there knowledge and offer their help. Without them this site would have a hard time surviving at least on this scale. WYSIWYG editor would eliminate lots of these posts and if you really still needed a help it would be much easier to find it. I do not think it would be too dificult for them to come up with one if they really wanted to do it.
Anyways, back to reality...
thank to you again ...the show is working now. You worked on my ABOUT US page, but I do not think we got all fixed. Please, take a look at it, when you have a chance, in both IE and Firefox and see what can be done to get it fixed for good. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Probably do the same in IE.
.gallery_3899871 #myText1 {
position: relative;
left: 180px;
/* top: -250px; */
~top: -250px;
margin: 0 auto;
width: 300px;
_width: 280px;
color: #666;
padding: 0 20px 5px 20px;
.gallery_3899871 #myText2 {
position: relative;
/* top: -250px; */
~top: -250px;
left: 0px;
margin: 0 auto;
width: 660px;
color: #666;
padding: 0 20px 5px 20px;
Your photo link doesn't work, might need the security key added to it.
I usually add the photo used in an html page like this to this gallery and
then hide it with CSS. That way it can easily be found.
My Website index | My Blog
Your photo link doesn't work, might need the security key added to it.
I usually add the photo used in an html page like this to this gallery and
then hide it with CSS. That way it can easily be found.[/quote]
Sorry Allen, but I am a photographer (some may argue here) not web developer...
ABOUT US still does not look right in both Firefox and IE.
Sorry Allen, but I am a photographer (some may argue here) not web developer...
ABOUT US still does not look right in both Firefox and IE.[/quote]
Go to this photo in it's gallery and click the share button to find the security key for the photo. Or open photo in lightbox and find it in the browser
address bar.
Here's an example from your birds gallery. See the red for the complete
photo id with key. 228763071_mZjuj
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Replace your description with this. I used a photo link that works, change it
to the one you want. Replace this CSS with this
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See my last post for changing your code. Edited post and added your photo with key to it.
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Allen, Thank you very much for your patience and help. It works in both browsers now.
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