LPS Suggestions

I would like to suggest that SmugMug/Dgrin create an email mailbox for receiving suggestions regarding future LPS.
Why? I think (IMO only) that there are a lot pf people that have constructive advice/suggestions for improving LPS. Openly posting them here sometimes leads to usually polite arguements and can obscure the real issue.
Or, am I out in left field with a hockey mask again?
Why? I think (IMO only) that there are a lot pf people that have constructive advice/suggestions for improving LPS. Openly posting them here sometimes leads to usually polite arguements and can obscure the real issue.
Or, am I out in left field with a hockey mask again?
in other words, we need the help of the community to help discuss and weed out ideas as they come up. I wouldn't know where to begin if I had to process them all myself! There's just no way we could add to Andy's email load (getting in the way of paying SM customers), and sorry, but as a volunteer, that would basically be like spam to me.
we definitely read the discussion thread, and all posts on this forum, I think its working very well that way.
thanks for the suggestion,