I'm visiting Irvine California

Hi everyone,
I'm off to Irvine California for a week for work and was wondering what is worth a visit around the area - for photos and also just for visiting
I'll have very little time - looks like a Sunday when I arrive (tired) and then the evenings and otherwise a half Saturday before i have to shoot up to LAX to fly home.
Oh I hope to pick up a SB800 for my D80 when I'm there too... and maybe visit an Apple store :wink
Thanks for all tips and advice!
I'm off to Irvine California for a week for work and was wondering what is worth a visit around the area - for photos and also just for visiting
I'll have very little time - looks like a Sunday when I arrive (tired) and then the evenings and otherwise a half Saturday before i have to shoot up to LAX to fly home.
Oh I hope to pick up a SB800 for my D80 when I'm there too... and maybe visit an Apple store :wink
Thanks for all tips and advice!
Jase // www.stonesque.com
You are close to Balboa Island, Newport Beach area - always fun to shoot from Balboa - take the ferry in the fun zone accross or take the harbor cruise and shoot from the boat. Walk the area - people and architecture, some birds too. In Irvine, you have the Irvine Spectrum - shopping mall there. And for an evening, I'd have to check and see, but, your are fairly close to Disneyland. Disneyland is one of the very best places to take a camera for practice - people, architecture, night shooting, activity from the characters and parade.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
thanks for the tips!
I'll have to go check our the Irvine Spectrum - want to get some things for my kids while i'm there
I'll check out Balboa Island - have to try to plan my time to fit in as much as possible
As for Disneyland - tempting - only thing is I think my kids my lynch me if they found out I went without them!!!!
Are Santa Monica or Newport etc. worth a visit? anything along that coast there?
Oh wow - just used google maps and yeah Balboa Island is really close! cool!
Jase // www.stonesque.com
I got kinda scared when I looked on maps.google.com and saw - well there's not a single bit of land that hasn't got a house on it!?
but hey not everything looks good from the air right - so i'm definitely keeping an open mind about it!
Any particular places to target there?
I was also looking at the different nature reserves in the area - seems like there are a few around
Jase // www.stonesque.com
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the artist's colony Laguna Beach. Definitely worth a visit. Newport Beach is also a blast. Santa Monica I can take or leave (as well as Venice) though they are a bit far north of you depending on how much free time you have. I'd leave a minimum of three hours to get there and back with traffic.
There's a Samy's in Santa Ana and a great old store called Cal's Cameras on Newport Blvd.
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Yep, Laguna Beach would be a great place to go. As would the beach at Newport Beach, or just up the coast to Huntington Beach--near the piers are nice areas for hanging out. Santa Monica is on the other side of LA & a lengthy drive, I wouldn't bother considering the time constraints. Actually what would make a good trip would be to drop down the 133 to Laguna Beach, then take PCH (Hwy 1) up the coast to Huntington Beach or Seal Beach.
Balboa & Lido are cool places to visit. Yes, they are completely built-up, but lots of older houses. The downside is as I recall it is always fairly crowded (I know it was a PITA to drive to when the family had a house on Lido & a boat at the back end of Newport Harbor years ago).
For nature reserves, there's some down by Laguna Beach & the wetlands in HB.
Camera stores, well Cal's is neat to look at, but I don't buy anything there. They have to pay for the fancy renovations they did a few years ago & the uber prime location. I much prefer Samys off Bristol, Calumet by the McFadden entrance to the 55 (right by REI), and Irvine Pro Photo.
The only thing that I would warn you is to watch the traffic on the freeways, especially during rush hour. Los Angeles and Orange County are known for gridlock.
Ok, I'm a south south county girl, so while Chris says take the 133 to PCH and head north, I'm biased and would tell you to take the 133 to PCH and head south!
You didn't say what type of photography you are interested in, but f you like the beach, want to get away from the crowds, are willing to hike a little bit and want some good foreground interest in your sunset shots one of my favorite spots in the Newport area is Crystal Cove - I go in at Pelican Point (the northernmost access). It's a steep walk down the cliffs to the beach. If it's low tide when you visit, you can head north and scramble over the rocky point (it'll look like big folds of rocks with a jagged uprising at the end - very cool!) to the other side where you'll find some of the most fantastic tide pools with lots of sea creatures. Keep walking north until you see a little seacave at the base of the cliff. Go into the cave, spot the shaft of light and climb out hole on the other side to Little Corona del Mar beach. If the tide is low enough you might be able to get around that point, but it's more fun my way! On the other side walk a little farther and you'll find a wonderful rock arch in the ocean. It's extremely difficult to find parking any closer to this beach, and it's worth it to visit the tidepools by approaching from Crystal Cove. Lots of great ocean rock, too, if you get the right light. Make sure to check tide info first, you don't want an incoming tide to trap you out there.
My other favorite spot is in Laguna - a stone tower (La Tour) built in the 1920's right on the beach at Victoria Beach. Parking can be difficult for direct access to this beach also. I frequently park near the Montage Resort (the grounds here are wonderful and one of my favorite sunset shots was taken here) and use their steps down to the beach, then walk north to Victoria Beach (next beach over). You can't miss the tower, it's built right against the bluff and is gorgeous. Pack a picnic dinner and settle in to watch the changing light.
But you can't wrong with any of the coastline/beach in either of those two towns. Laguna Beach has tide pools and beautiful cliffs at many of its beaches, and the town itself is filled with art galleries and restaurants. It gets VERY crowded at night along PCH and the streets are packed with people, although it's still early enough in the year that it won't be quite as bad as it is during the summer.
Bolsa Chica in Huntington Beach is a favorite of birders (and Huntington Beach is a great place to photograph surfers), as is Upper Newport Bay/Newport Back Bay - one of the finest bird watching/photographing spots in the country.
Mission San Juan Capistrano is an interesting place to visit and photograph. It's only a 20 minute drive from Irvine, unless you're trying to do it during rush hour.
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Hi - I'm a Seattlite who just spent 2 weeks in the OC with my family (husband, 3 yr old daughter and D200). I agree with all the above must must add that by far my favorite spot to take pics was Santa Monica Pier. Although my favorite place to hang out was anywhere south of Newport.
Downtown Disney in Anaheim is nice as well. Things are pretty well dispersed in the OC, so you may have to drive to any and all of these locations.
I might head up to Santa Monica as a friend from Oz is living there at the moment but otherwise i'm happy to avoid LA and driving there - although looks like I'm going to be driving a rental from LAX to Irvine.... not looking forward to that....
Unfortunately I just found out that Nikon's worldwide warranty is only for lenses... so looks like i'll have to pay more and buy it here in Switzerland to ensure I get the warranty .... *sigh*
I found out there is an Apple store in the Irvine Spectrum too - so that's going to be a must
Anyway - looks like i'll be heading down to the beaches and driving long PCH - sounds nice!!!
Just hope I don't get bogged down with work...
Thanks everyone and keep the suggestions coming
Jase // www.stonesque.com
Joshua Tree is only 2hrs from Irvine!!
Jase // www.stonesque.com
Sounds great - unfortunately I have one Sunday after I arrive and then some evenings - that's it
The following Saturday evening I'm flying back - so probably try to catch up with my mate at Santa Monica that day
I'm really keyed up for this trip - i've never been to Cal before!!!
Jase // www.stonesque.com