Selling Photos, Do I need releases?
I have begun shooting events at bars/clubs in the area. In some cases I am working directly for the venue to provide pictures for their website. But in other cases they aren't interested in my services but they don't have a problem with me taking pictures.
So the idea is I go around take pictures and hand out cards. They check out the website the next day while recovering from the hangover. Search through the pics, find ones of them and pay a bit to print/download the pic.
Now my question is... am I missing anything? Any need for model releases, permission to put pictures of people up for sale, etc? :scratch
So the idea is I go around take pictures and hand out cards. They check out the website the next day while recovering from the hangover. Search through the pics, find ones of them and pay a bit to print/download the pic.
Now my question is... am I missing anything? Any need for model releases, permission to put pictures of people up for sale, etc? :scratch
Here's one source that might help you out
I don't know if this guy is a legal expert on model releasees, but he sure has written a lot of interesting stuff on the subject.
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange