Watermark choice - your thoughts

I just wanted to get some others opinions on watermarking - specifically where to place it on an image without distracting from the image itself, but at the same time offering the protection is is meant to be used for.
In the past I have just been placing my watermark at the bottom of all my images - easy to crop out....but it was there none the less and not really all that distracting (in my opinion).
So now I am thinking of changing my watermark....possibly placing it across the center of my images. This would offer more protection, but at the same time it is more distracting.
So what say yea!
Water marking across the bottom or thru the center?
....or another option??
please ignore the actual photos...they were just test photos taken to try out my new GPS GeoTagging units.

In the past I have just been placing my watermark at the bottom of all my images - easy to crop out....but it was there none the less and not really all that distracting (in my opinion).
So now I am thinking of changing my watermark....possibly placing it across the center of my images. This would offer more protection, but at the same time it is more distracting.
So what say yea!
Water marking across the bottom or thru the center?
....or another option??
please ignore the actual photos...they were just test photos taken to try out my new GPS GeoTagging units.

Where do you place your watermark? 20 votes
Bottom if your images
10 votes
Center of your images
6 votes
No watermark
2 votes
2 votes
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
Instead of one size fits all, apply the one that fits the situation to maximize the distraction/utility (Safe keeping) ratio!
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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Really? Why's that? Curious, still new to the world of copyrights.
Scott Crouse Photography
"...Displaying the Beauty of our World"
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Here is another possibility.
I hate watermarks and love them - from a viewer standpoint they suck because they ruin the image. I understand though that you just want to protect your stuff from theft.
IMHO - the last option you posted is the best. Would that work for every image? I dunno. At least in the case you presented it in it works. It doest harm the photo look much but definitely protects it.
I kinda felt the same way. But from all I have seen this was the best compromise I have found. What tends to help is the angle because on any given photo you may have vertical or horizontal lines, objects, etc and a horizontal tiled watermark even at the same opacity was much more distracting, I found.
I have used a similar watermark on at least 200,000 photos and haven't had a complaint.
I had read that thread...not sure how it relates to designing a watermark...other than possibly changing the wording on my watermark - which I plan on doing once I figure out the final design.
I tried looking around seeing others and watermarks are just so all over the place. Still need to figure this one out a bit better.
Here is my final design.
I don't think it takes away too much from an image and is more difficult to crop around. I may play with the fading a bit, but I think this is a go for the 2008 Water Mark.
Thanks for all the suggestions and samples,
I guess my point of pointing out that thread is more to be careful about lack of protection rather than watermark options. Watermarks offer a variable amount of protection depending on how used.
Looks good.
That thread is a good read though - thanks for the reminder. I have always unsed my dba name in my watermark (I', still a sole prop) - I changed it because of that thread to now include my real name.