Feeling slothful about the 7 deadlys

Lucky HackLucky Hack Registered Users Posts: 594 Major grins
edited March 29, 2005 in The Dgrin Challenges
I don't know if it's just me but I've been feeling pretty lack luster about the competition, maybe it's because I don't have a good idea yet, anyway, is it just me or is anybody else dragging on this one?

hoping this message finds you less slothful than I -Ian
Chance favors the prepared mind. -Louis Pasteur


  • KhaosKhaos Registered Users Posts: 2,435 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2005
    The problem for me is, just like with emotions, sins are a human trait, thus you need to have time to take pictures in public or pose something.

    At this time I have no models and very limited time. I'll probably have to sit this one out unless I stumble upon something. Stupid work always getting in the way of my creativity.umph.gif
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2005
    To put it bluntly, I have never felt so disinterested in a challenge.

    And we vote for this stuff, I am scared to vote on the one up for a vote now.
    My main thing is which one can I do. I thought this would be easy and fun,then I guess I realized that one needed people, for the most part, or an active imagination. I do like that money thing.

    Bill is off tomorrow..............I have absolutely no ideas. My dogs need exercise, I would like to go to the vigil mass at 8 tomorrow night. I like the bonfire and readings from genesis about the animals being made.

    There is good stuff happening all weekend, not sins. Maybe if we are going to have to do people, we could at least vote for something strangers are apt to do in public. That would put those of us without lots of people known on a par with the people who have friends who will model.

    For instance, Sunday morning people will be going to church. Some people might consider it a sin not to go to church on Easter. And some might not.

    However one decides, one can show that people are going to church, the ones who are playing golf, tennis, walking their dogs, whatever, it is not obvious they are major sinners for not going to church.

    In other words (I always use too many), it is much easier to show an action than a lack of action. The only sins people do in public tend to be a lack of action and not recognizable as sins.

    Even littering............I haven't seen any major litter in forever. I cannot go into dangerous neighborhoods where I could find dumpsters full of liquor bottles. The neighbors I have would hide them.

    A challenge is a lot of work, to have no ideas, no plans, there is no excitement, no chance to be picked. Unless something changes I will enter a token photo to raise the count so others will have the numbers for there to be a finals, or I won't enter anything.

    I don't feel challenged this time.........is that how anyone else feels?

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • Nee7x7Nee7x7 Registered Users Posts: 459 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2005
    Yeah...I'm at a loss, too!
    And short of time... We're leaving for Cancun next Tuesday, so I'm busy getting things taken care of for our trip (getting our clothes ready, house cleaning, finding a pet sitter, stopping our newspaper delivery, asking a neighbor to pick up our mail, ...the usual stuff, Laughing.gif!). I'm not feeling terribly creative right now...just pressed for time! Sigh...

    We'll see if anything comes up between now and Monday...but I'm not holding my breath~

    ~Nee ne_nau.gif

    If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
  • PrezwoodzPrezwoodz Registered Users Posts: 1,147 Major grins
    edited March 26, 2005
    I am also feeling a bit lackluster about it. However i have only been in one of them so far and this one is actually making me think a bit harder. I dont take it more of as I am bored or anything its just that nothing is coming to me right away and that makes it a bit more of a challenge to me! I am hoping to stumble onto something that sets me into a mood for this challenge and start shooting off of it!
  • wholenewlightwholenewlight Registered Users Posts: 1,529 Major grins
    edited March 26, 2005
    I shot some posed stuff but the results were not what I wanted to show - not quite good enough for me to be happy with. :uhoh

    I've got ideas but they all require some work and time is limited right now.

    Challenging challenge!
    john w

    I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
    Edward Steichen

  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited March 26, 2005
    maybe easter was not the best time for this challenge now thanksgiving rolleyes1.gif Jeff I have no ideas
    Jeff W


  • landrumlandrum Registered Users Posts: 285 Major grins
    edited March 29, 2005
    I, too, have no original ideas. I also don't have the time to take my camera to search out the sins. I hope I'll come across something, but I'm not too optimistic at this point. Too bad, because I was looking forward to this one! :cry
    Laurie :smooch

  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited March 29, 2005
    Should be a photojournalist's dream. Imagine going to a protest for anger. Outside the hospice in Flordia? Or gluttony? Just hang near a Krispy Kreme and wait for the obese people to walk in or out. Navada or someplace with gambling for greed. Pride, well Aquinas' definition makes it a little hard, but think of people who are so sure they are right that you can see it on their faces.

    They are out there. The problem is that, with the exception of lust, they aren't pretty. And if you are a stickler for Aquinas (no real reason for that except it's fun), lust isn't necessarily so pretty either.

    So don't be slothful. Imagine you are a reporter and have been sent out to report on the state of these sins in the modern world. Weegee, Cartier-Bresson, Leibovitz, or Avedon (in his more topical mode) could all have nailed this one. It's inspiring.
    If not now, when?
  • landrumlandrum Registered Users Posts: 285 Major grins
    edited March 29, 2005
    rutt wrote:
    Should be a photojournalist's dream. Imagine going to a protest for anger. Outside the hospice in Flordia? Or gluttony? Just hang near a Krispy Kreme and wait for the obese people to walk in or out. Navada or someplace with gambling for greed. Pride, well Aquinas' definition makes it a little hard, but think of people who are so sure they are right that you can see it on their faces.

    They are out there. The problem is that, with the exception of lust, they aren't pretty. And if you are a stickler for Aquinas (no real reason for that except it's fun), lust isn't necessarily so pretty either.

    So don't be slothful. Imagine you are a reporter and have been sent out to report on the state of these sins in the modern world. Weegee, Cartier-Bresson, Leibovitz, or Avedon (in his more topical mode) could all have nailed this one. It's inspiring.
    Yes, it should be a dream...that's why I was looking forward to it. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to go out looking. It's a little hard to go searching and shooting with a 2 year old in tow! ne_nau.gif I'm still going to try to get out though...
    Laurie :smooch

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