I keep getting logged out?

I keep on getting logged out of dgrin.com if I don't stay active enough. For example, I log in, browse, read the local paper for 15 minutes or so, come back to dgrin.com, and find I am logged out. How do I fix this? I would like to stay logged in until I logout. Makes sense? :dunno
This also happens (the logging out) in advrider.com, but NOT in facebook or Yahoo; I am logged in to those sites all day. A search yielded nada. :scratch
Macbook Leopard 10.5.2 browsing in Firefox All Cookies are enabled, no exceptions.
Many thanks as always, :bow
I keep on getting logged out of dgrin.com if I don't stay active enough. For example, I log in, browse, read the local paper for 15 minutes or so, come back to dgrin.com, and find I am logged out. How do I fix this? I would like to stay logged in until I logout. Makes sense? :dunno
This also happens (the logging out) in advrider.com, but NOT in facebook or Yahoo; I am logged in to those sites all day. A search yielded nada. :scratch
Macbook Leopard 10.5.2 browsing in Firefox All Cookies are enabled, no exceptions.
Many thanks as always, :bow
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
that seems to have been the case...
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
I haven't had that problem on Dgrin or Smugmug, but it has happened to me on other sites from time to time. It can usually be fixed by logging out of the site, clearing all of the site's cookies, then logging in again.
Did you check your cookies, and settings?
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If you used Firefox. The data would have still been there for you to copy into a new post
Well, I followed Richard's advice in logging out, deleting all the cookies, and logging back in.
I've also checked off the "remember me" option at log in. I'm hoping that'll fix the problem...will wait and see.
This essentially does the same thing Richard said. But without the hassle
Ahh, nice. Thanks! And by the way, I only have IE6 here at work, no Firefox. Bummer...
It can do it at random.