Photoshop help needed

Hello everyone, I've been lurking for a while and finally have a question that I couldn't find an answer for using the search button.
I've just been learning photoshop and am trying to make one of my photos black and white . . . with a bit of a twist.
I discovered that by deselecting the red and green channels, it leaves a really nice effect.

I then tried adding a new layer with just blue and it created a similar tone, but of course, its blue.
How do I create the effect pictured above . . . . other than saving a screenshot and cropping :P
I've just been learning photoshop and am trying to make one of my photos black and white . . . with a bit of a twist.
I discovered that by deselecting the red and green channels, it leaves a really nice effect.

I then tried adding a new layer with just blue and it created a similar tone, but of course, its blue.
How do I create the effect pictured above . . . . other than saving a screenshot and cropping :P
Image -> Apply Image. Source is blue channel, destination is the RGB, blend mode Normal.
Or, you could use the Channel mixer to add +100 blue, 0 red, 0 green, in monochrome mode.
There's probably a few other ways to do this as well.
If you want to keep the original color information, try the 'Black & White' dialog. It's in the create fill and adjustment layers menu on the layers palette.
That tool will also give you quite a bit more leverage to play with.
Edit: the B&W tool is apparently a new toy in the CS3 version. The Channel mixer is in earlier versions as well and can be used in the same sort of way.
Thanks a lot!
Hey, you got toning down too, nice work
Would you like some critique on the image?
The picture has low contrast, which at first struck me as a bit odd, but on second thought with the toning, it's sort of vintage innit?
You could try playing around with the contrast, and since we're playing around anyway, you could try adding a little bit of light film grain (Filter -> Texture -> Grain) and some vignetting (Filters -> Distort -> Lens Correction) to make it look even older.
Whatever you decide to do, have fun!
Edit: Looks like did having the fun part with version 2 alright. That looks like timetraveling now
You're right, it did need some more contrast: