Challenge 35- Lust and Wrath
I tried my hand at the seven deadly sins. These are the three I have come up with so far. I have to work on them a bit more but I was hoping I could get some feed back on them. Sorry if I offend anyone, not my intention. Thanks! And yes I have a thing for red.
I tried my hand at the seven deadly sins. These are the three I have come up with so far. I have to work on them a bit more but I was hoping I could get some feed back on them. Sorry if I offend anyone, not my intention. Thanks! And yes I have a thing for red.

Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Also: try a closer crop. the lines of the closet in the background are definitely distracting. I think a close crop in portrait orientation would really isolate the people and give an even bigger bang.
It sure says LUST though. Gotta agree with Rutt, first entry I've seen that really hits it.
However #1 is as far as I can see ROCKS for the challenge
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It's gorgeous! I like #1 too but #2 is defnately my favourite
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try something like this for the selective color. Make it subtle though.
Both excellent ideas and execution!!
I like the 2nd photo - that just says "sex" while the first one is too creepy for me. Though a great effort.
I had a couple reasons for choosing black and white and selective color.
1) The lighting was kinda bad, that was the only picture that turned out half alright
2)The orginal color of the shirt of light green not red(and I think red adds something)
3) I wanted to experiment, in the same context Andy uses when he says he gets inspired in his digital dark room (thought I must say I wanted to experiment long before I heard the comment)
4) The black and white and selective color give it a dramatic effect the orginal just doesn't have...
See, I don't know if I want to show the orginal. I'm not proud of the orginal picture as much as I'm proud of the work I did the selective color one and I like showing my best on this site.
Anyway, I need to think over if I want to post the orginal. Hope this message will suffice for now.
So, I destrated it even more, hard because red catches my eye so much but here ismy second try...
Wish I were young again.
Thank you both, what I did end up doing after asking a couple of other people about the picture was to reduce the whiteness of the skin between the tank top and pants... it's in the challenge thread... I don't know how much difference you can tell but I didn't want to go too far (I tend to get carried away with such things), so I hope that maybe with that done the red won't look so distracting. Thanks a lot for your help!
I absolutely agree! I'm very impressed by the progression from the original post to the challenge submission. You have my vote. Nice work!