Chal 35 Sloth Comments
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What must an educated, businessman think when people pass his newstand, not buying the knowledge he sells, but proudly go on their ways, ignorant of the tools to begin to do good.
Category: Sloth
A footnote: one of the most intelligent, well educated, nicest and happiest men in Charleston sells newspapers every day in all weather.
March 26, 2005
Category: Sloth
A footnote: one of the most intelligent, well educated, nicest and happiest men in Charleston sells newspapers every day in all weather.
March 26, 2005
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
did I mention I love this photo though? I think this could be right up there with the great photo of your husband from a while back, for the emotion challenge, black and white also.
Might want a better B&W conversion. Get the blacks blacker.
Staying up so late to do the moon, I have been exhausted. I write better when I am exhausted. Hate to think I have to stay up all night to get some more thoughts.
I was going to find something downtown for the challenge, so we were driving through the area in my car when the muffler fell off.
To make it all short, at one point when Bill went to get some quotes and information on the muffler, he dropped me at the corner where that guy works. I got quite a few pictures. This one had a good histogram, so I should be able to do a better work up. I will read on it. I had a + on the EC so his face would show up. Between egrets, moons and things, I had to pick him as a subject.
I won't have my car back til Tues. Bill just picked it up this AM after getting the rear axel repaired.
Oh, that guy, the newspaper man, he has his masters or doctorate, was a professor at the College of Charleston. Quit to do this. He probably makes more money this way, but some of the weather is pretty bad. He is happier.
Thanks for the comments. Will think on them, definitely will work on the black and white. Also I used the 70-200 lens on him, too. I might do one or two and put it in people.
Is that a hint of Lust I see peeking out from where it doesn't belong??? Maybe you can zoom in on the newspapers at the bottom of the frame with the magazine flipped open to the girly. I can't really tell what that is exactly, or if it would even work, but it may be worth exploring.
The magazines I see are the Charleston magazines. I don't know.
I am just trying to get the blk and white correct. I tried Andy's formula this time. I do like the photo, have no use for it whatsoever, but it is here, so I am trying to make it right.
I don't plan on entering it.
ginger (Thanks for trying to help)
What ever happened to your lens idea???
Silly me, I must have thought we were living in New York or something. Really the closest really big camera store is 3 1/2 hrs away.
Are you working something up?
I have thought of litter/liter, you know, trash, but everyone seems to pick that stuff up. Then I thought I could provide my own. That was today, but since I was stuck at home for a week with no car and no exercise, I kind of collapsed. My feet and legs hurt. So I came home. I think lust has the contest. This is the hardest contest yet.
I will blow that part up and look at it. Seems to be grabbing at whatever.
Dixie is coming this weekend, and we are getting together to shoot, I can just look at his car and camera equipment and feel how would I show that? I am just hoping to have fun shooting something.
And I hope my legs don't give out. I got my shoes and orthotics wet a few weeks ago, my only shoes, they are good tennis shoes. When I got home today, I was thinking I shouldn't have gotten them wet. The support and the arches are gone.
I found the picture, and I made it bigger, but I didn't know what to do with it. I finally made a collage, but I can't see a sin..............g:cry
You know I made this collage from two photos, both of that day. Laurie pointed out the photo of the girl in a magazine on the ground with the papers, and I had the photo of the man already worked up. I have to tell you, I love this photo. I can make up all sorts of stories around it. And when I see it, I look in the man's eyes, well I think he is so personable.
I am sure he would hate this photo, but I love it.
I agree with everyone else agreeing - it is a good shot of the guy on the street. Some Christians would argue that littering and messiness is a sin (maybe not a deadly sin) so you're halfway there. The fact the man is sitting upright probably eliminates the category of sloth though. You have given me a great idea of photographing street people.
I absolutely love this photo. When I saw it in the entry thread I was blown away. The fabulous work that these challenges generate is inspirational.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I really feel good about it, and your comment makes it even better.
Thanks, ginger
I'm not sure if it's sloth or gluttony or both, but I do see something in this photo. It's not about the man in the photo, its about the papers scattered asunder.
There are all these papers going to WASTE if they don't sell, and they are probably going to waste even if they get read once, the chance that they make it to the recycling center or the compost pile is low. That statement alone about the wastefulness/sloth in the news industry is clear. Also that people are so gluttonous for news!
I haven't read ALL the responses, so I don't know if ppl have brought this up yet, but the advertisement that one of the papers is open to is of a woman's sexy leg. I have nothing against sexy legs, but for the "purpose" of this photo one could point to that very subtle exposure in the news as representative of the gluttony and sloth that is portrayed in the media.
All the sex in ads, etc, could be argued to be slovenly.
I don't think it's too much of a stretch, especially on the first count, that the news media, and the print media more and more nowadays, are both slovenly and gluttonous... and I don't think ginger should apologize for submitting it in haste. It's quite brilliant. I don't know if you saw the leg with the really spiked heel, when you took the shot, but it's a very nice touch.
I registered just to post this! That's how strongly I felt.
-Samantha Jane (I'm a poet, what do I know?)
So I read back and see that someone did mention the half naked woman in the ad, and then you made a spectacular collage of it. I stand by the first photo as representing sloth and gluttony. Well done. -SJ