
Went shooting down town the other day with a new to me Canon 10-22, I love this thing. Anyways here's a few I liked:


And since I can't resist flowers:

More can be seen here:
C&C always appreciated,


And since I can't resist flowers:

More can be seen here:
C&C always appreciated,
"My dad taught me everything I know, unfortunately he didn't teach me everything he knows" Dale Earnhardt Jr
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
Ahhhhhhhhh good choice Eric, I love the Canon 10-22mm too,
aint it just a sweet piece of Glass, and boy can you fit an amazing amount in a shot,
without having to step back to take the shot most times.
I like the first shot out of this lot, sharp as hu
Actually the middle of that flower looks pretty dang sharp too.
Can't say I've tried to shoot flowers with it.
Your just gonna love this lens to bits you are Eric
Thanks for sharing, and congratulations on your New Lens
... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
I like the focus on your flower too!
I am deeply immersed in this avocation, but sports is my primary thing. But when I have no sports to shoot, I am still jonesing to be shooting and can think of a million little things that I'd be happy to shoot. These are really appealing images, but since the dialogue in the thread so far has centered on your particular lens, I checked it out. Can someone please give me the basics on using a wide-angle lens for close-up imagery? Links would be fine if this has been discussed before. Anyway I loved the shots.
Edit: I have a 24-105 f/4 that I bought as my "walking around" lens. Could I have gotten comparable results with that?
Re-edit: I just checked out everything in your gallery. It is so, so interesting; I can see that you shot many if not most at shorter focal lengths that I could do with the 24-105, so I guess that question is answered, but the wide angle/close up question continues to intrigue me. Also having now checked the photo info, I am interested in your aperture and exposure time combinations. Honestly, I could spend the rest of my life (when not shooting sports) happily walking around the NYC area shooting little things, so any education you would care to share would be most appreciated.
Great color on the flower!
I really enjoy the white lettering on number one, makes hose connection really pop!
Are these edited? What are you using for editing?
I just picked up the same lense, took it to the Bahamas and had a blast with it!
Good choice in wide angle glass!!
Enjoyed each of them, but I'm very much into b&w so the first one reaaaaallly caught my attention. Nice tones & that cap looks like you could reach out & touch it. Also, the detail in that flower center is pretty impressive. Nice handle it well.
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Since this was only my second time out of the house with this lens I'm sure there is more to know about this lens than I can explain.
I also have the 24-105 and use it all the time.
As far as the wide angle/closeup goes it has a minimum focusing distance of 9.5 inches where as the 24-105 has a close focusing distance of 1.48 feet. That's nearly twice that of the 10-22. I'm sure there is a technical reason for this but with the 10-22 I can darn near press the glass up to something, such as the flower, and still achieve focus. It seems that with the 24-105 I really have to back away and then zoom in. There by only focusing on my subject and not being able to include a good amount of background.
As far as the shooting subject, the hotel, I drive by this place at least once a day. I've done this for over 2 years. I'm always driving by at different times of the day so I get a good idea of how the light looks at different angles and times. I've also been reading "The moment it clicks" and while it's mostly about flash use it gave me a great tip. When shooting take the original picture your had in mind. Then take it from the right, left, over, and under. then turn around and see if you missed anything behind you. Since i knew what the building looked liked and had a few pics in mind I went there with this thought in my head. I had wanted to take pics of the boarded up windows and all the grown over ivy. Once I took those I started trying to find things that I might have missed just driving by. That is how I found the hose hookup and the chains/locks.
For the hose hookup I took a pic straight on with it on the top right hand thirds and didn't really like the way it looked. So I started to explore other angles. I finally came away with the pic I posted here.
As far as the settings I usually shoot in Av mode. So I selected a 4.5 hoping to keep most of the foreground in focus and blurring out the background. i then focused on the hookup and zoomed in and out until I found something that looked good.
Since I'm far from an expert I'm sure most of this seems like rambling but maybe it will answer your questions and help you to decide to pick up this wonderful lens
I wish I had the shooting ops that NYC could provide. I'm sure you could find thousands of things to keep you busy with this lens.
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
PS my 24-105 was meant to be my "walking around" lens, and in some contexts it certainly will be, but I still think I may soon be breaking my "no new gear" New Years resolution for 2008!