Chip or Dale?

I hope I'm not the only one who knows those names - Disney's chipmunks.
Anyhow, below is my shot. It seems a little soft, still working on technique for fast-moving critters. Tips are definately appreciated.
I was planning on a nice long shoot to practice with the chipmunks (there were 5 or so of them running around me) but some jerk in a Lambo drove up (dang those are loud cars) and made so much noise walking, talking, etc that all the little fellas ran off. :rolleyes
I'll be going out again to try some more. My zoom is 70-200 f/4L, would a 1.4x TC help you think?
What do you guys/gals think of the comp, etc?
Anyhow, below is my shot. It seems a little soft, still working on technique for fast-moving critters. Tips are definately appreciated.
I was planning on a nice long shoot to practice with the chipmunks (there were 5 or so of them running around me) but some jerk in a Lambo drove up (dang those are loud cars) and made so much noise walking, talking, etc that all the little fellas ran off. :rolleyes
I'll be going out again to try some more. My zoom is 70-200 f/4L, would a 1.4x TC help you think?
What do you guys/gals think of the comp, etc?

~ Lisa
Nice picture, cute munk. But it looks like the focus landed just behind him.
I look forward to your next shots.
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That is true about the food, but I don't beleive in feeding wild animals. When that happen then they become not-wild and beg for food, and are easily killed/captured by people. :cry
There was some food around which is why so many chipmunks were around - but even so, they are FAST. Glad I have 6.5FPS
My sharpest photos aren't interesting (to me anyway) because it's when the little fella is on a rock sniffing some people food - aka sitting nearly still for a second.
Yes, I agree with what you are saying. I think next time I'll close down the aperature a bit. That should give me more DOF to work with.
awwwwwww you beat me to it!!!
so cute!
There are some good tutorials in the Technique section!
My website | NANPA Member
I have already done some stuff in PS and in LR. I used the high pass method in PS. Thats how not-sharp the photo was to begin with, even after sharpening it isnt sharp - i tried pushing it a little more but began to have a lot of haloing and artifacts.
Hope this helps!
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