Peacocks (long post)

Today I got off work early so my DW and myself went for a ride. We ended up at The Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas. The temple is probably about 2-3 acres. It has a veggie restaurant, a school, a temple (duh:rolleyes ), and some homes. The temple used to be a mental hospital back in the late 1800s early 1900s. While the buildings are nice we mostly went there to see the peacocks. There are probably 40-50 and they are all very tame. If you walk slow enough and don't make any sudden movements they will walk right up to you. Anyways enough writing on to the photos:
Yeah yeah I know I cut off it's poor little feet :rofl

There are even a few white ones

It was matting season and they were really showing off

Of course I had to get the standard butt shot

Last but not least my favorite. Heavily cropped, so it's kinda soft, as I was using my kit lens:

Hope you enjoy the peacocks. As all ways comments and suggestions welcomed.
Yeah yeah I know I cut off it's poor little feet :rofl
There are even a few white ones
It was matting season and they were really showing off
Of course I had to get the standard butt shot
Last but not least my favorite. Heavily cropped, so it's kinda soft, as I was using my kit lens:
Hope you enjoy the peacocks. As all ways comments and suggestions welcomed.
"My dad taught me everything I know, unfortunately he didn't teach me everything he knows" Dale Earnhardt Jr
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
You got some marvelous colors in those shots. A few were a bit soft as you mentioned but it was a good series. Your favorite was a great shot. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
The Toledo Zoo use to have peacocks running all over the place when I was a kid, but they dont anymore. I dont know why.
I was and the Zoo in San Fransisco and they Had them. It was also Matting Season and they were all struttin their stuff. I shots lots of pics and didn't get a one that I was Happy with. The were all soft and I did't know why.
Thanks for sharring.
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
These guys/gals sure do make lots of noise, huh? Worse than
There are quite a few roaming around at the SF Zoo. The tough part is getting a decent background. But, you should be able to get pretty close. When it stops raining, I've got to head back up there myself. I haven't shot it since getting my 20D. I think I could do some serious damage now.....
Thanks for sharing,