In my area one would never see a racoon during the day. Nice catch:D
True, normally raccoon's are nocturnal. This image was shot on Sanibel Island, Florida. The raccoon's on the island have adapted and are tidal, not nocturnal. That is, they come out to feed at low tide no matter what time of day. That raises the question of how do they know to wakeup for low tide? Do they acturally sense to pull of the moon? Humm...too deep for me.
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True, normally raccoon's are nocturnal. This image was shot on Sanibel Island, Florida. The raccoon's on the island have adapted and are tidal, not nocturnal. That is, they come out to feed at low tide no matter what time of day. That raises the question of how do they know to wakeup for low tide? Do they acturally sense to pull of the moon? Humm...too deep for me.
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