Where is Noise Reduction in your Workflow?

Where is noise reduction in your workflow, and why?
I do my NR after all base adjustments like exposure control and white balance, and after global and local colour and contrast adjustments like D-Lighting, levels and curves, colour balance. BUT it goes before sharpening, cropping, colour profile, and "output."
Reasoning: doing these changes (like lightening) create or reveal noise through dithering or other computational reasons. Although I have never done a side-by-side, I am going on the advice of Jason P. Odell, author of "Guide to Capture NX."
I do my NR after all base adjustments like exposure control and white balance, and after global and local colour and contrast adjustments like D-Lighting, levels and curves, colour balance. BUT it goes before sharpening, cropping, colour profile, and "output."
Reasoning: doing these changes (like lightening) create or reveal noise through dithering or other computational reasons. Although I have never done a side-by-side, I am going on the advice of Jason P. Odell, author of "Guide to Capture NX."
Where is your NR done? 19 votes
At the front end, before anything else
6 votes
Almost last, just before sharpening and cropping
7 votes
Changes with each shoot scenario
3 votes
It doesn't matter
1 vote
I don't know
2 votes
I will typically reduce noise after leaving ACR, but before doing anything in PS. I use Noiseware. In theory, there would be times when I might refrain from doing a strong move in ACR because it would exacerbate the noise. I haven't run into this problem in practice, at least not yet.
The idea of eliminating noise early comes down to this: you want to eliminate the noise before you do anything that would amplify it. The most notorious ways to amplify noise are sharpening, and lightening dark areas.
Basically, I think that as long as you are getting rid of the noise before you can see that you have worsened it, then you are probably OK.
Ditto. I don't use it a lot but when necessary, its a show stopper. So that means doing everything in ACR or LR, but not capture sharpening because I'll do that AFTER running Noiseware.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
The best way to avoid noise is avoiding under exposure of course.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Dusty Dog Digital
I've only had to deal with that scenario in a few instances and I usually look for areas where the noise is most "visible" which is usually large regions with little detail, like a sky for instance. In that case, I build a mask of just the obvious region and noise reduce that region in a new layer. Areas with a lot of detail usually don't need the additional reduction if the detail has enough interest.
It's always a subjective decision, so use your best judgement.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums