Replacing Photos
Ok, I asked this before, but I think b/c it used a hack, it got moved and not answered. I'm going to make it more basic and this is really for confirmation rather than help:
I've gotten my first SmugMug order (yay! me). I need to replace the images that are up there now (proofs w/watermarks) to retouched files that are cropped and PP. They need more work than the Smug tools allow. Do I retouch in PS, save as a JPG and THEN replace them with a new file using the replace button?
Any confirmation would be greatly appreciated!!
I've gotten my first SmugMug order (yay! me). I need to replace the images that are up there now (proofs w/watermarks) to retouched files that are cropped and PP. They need more work than the Smug tools allow. Do I retouch in PS, save as a JPG and THEN replace them with a new file using the replace button?
Any confirmation would be greatly appreciated!!
ANYWAYS, yes. Make whatever changes you want, then on the order screen, replace the images. That's all there is to it.
But, you don't necessarily need to use PS.. You could always use some other program to edit the files..
David - One very-sick-of-Little-League-Photos Photographer
p.s. If they don't sell after all this work, I'm seriously going to cry :cry
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
Thanks for the confirmation. I'm sorry to hear about the Little League photos. I had thought about maybe pursuing that gig, and even though I'm around enough parents to know better, you really sealed the deal for me :-)
Good luck with all that stuff. And don't let the parents get you down!!
Alexandra Bull Photography
Twitter: @WolfSnap
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - | Custom Domains
Ok, so I successfully replaced the photos but the watermark still appears. Am I being obtuse? Do I need to change that option in the gallery so when I upload they are gone or will they not be printed by EZPrints?
Thanks in advance and hopefully this provides a break from an over abundance of kids in LL uniforms
Alexandra Bull Photography
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Ah yes, the power of doing a little leg work on your own. Sorry about that, and thanks for point it out. Hopefully my next order will go a little more smoothly!
Alexandra Bull Photography