"The Deliberately Out of Focus Community Bus in a Downpour"

...and that is take a photo deliberately out of focus because I wanted it to be...
This is the disabled person's community bus in Southport. It's occupants were on a day out I suppose, though heaven knows why and what they they would expect to see...
It was absolutely lobbing it down for most of the day and the rain was teeming down the back window of the car. Thats when I saw the opportunity for an image away from the norm... (trust me eh? hehehe).
So I first focused on the window - that didn't look right in the viewfinder, then I focused on the community bus... same opinion... So i reined it in between the two and thought - "yup, that's what I wanna show". Then I pressed the shutter. I varied the zoom for 3 others, and this of the four had the best positioning.
So, like the atypical out of the box kind of chap I can be, here it is.
"The Deliberately Out Of Focus Community Bus in a Downpour!"

This is the disabled person's community bus in Southport. It's occupants were on a day out I suppose, though heaven knows why and what they they would expect to see...
It was absolutely lobbing it down for most of the day and the rain was teeming down the back window of the car. Thats when I saw the opportunity for an image away from the norm... (trust me eh? hehehe).
So I first focused on the window - that didn't look right in the viewfinder, then I focused on the community bus... same opinion... So i reined it in between the two and thought - "yup, that's what I wanna show". Then I pressed the shutter. I varied the zoom for 3 others, and this of the four had the best positioning.
So, like the atypical out of the box kind of chap I can be, here it is.
"The Deliberately Out Of Focus Community Bus in a Downpour!"

I like it!
Pleasing colors; a nice abstract.
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Nice vision and execution
Thanks for sharing,
- Deanna
Link to my personal website: http://www.pauliddon.co.uk
Sorry ...im not getting it at all
"Money can't buy happiness...But it can buy expensive posessions that make other people envious, and that feels just as good.":D
Canon 20D, Canon 50 1.8 II, Canon 70-200 f/4L, Canon 17-40 f/4 L, Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro, Canon 430ex.