Link to hiden-owner galleries

So, I know this is my fault, but I was in a hurry to send a link out to someone. I went to my galleries page and coppied the link from the gallery thumbnail, pasted in an email and hastily hit Cmd-Enter to send the email.
This was followed by a resounding "DOH!", when I realized that when I'm logged in and looking at my galleries, the link from the gallery thumbnails is a link to my site, i.e. I just gave my personal information away to someone that I wanted to remain anonymous to.
I would like to request that for hiden-owner galleries, the links on the gallery page be directly to URLs, not redirects.
Does that make sense?
This was followed by a resounding "DOH!", when I realized that when I'm logged in and looking at my galleries, the link from the gallery thumbnails is a link to my site, i.e. I just gave my personal information away to someone that I wanted to remain anonymous to.
I would like to request that for hiden-owner galleries, the links on the gallery page be directly to URLs, not redirects.
Does that make sense?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
UNLESS you use the URL on the Galleries page, when you're logged in.
Then you get a personalized URL.
But the good thing for you is once they land on the page and then click on a photo and back to the main gallery, your name part of the link should be gone and only smugmug, so unless they pay attention and then try to retype your direct site in later, they may not catch on. It will depend on how internet savy they are.