Newbie sharing and questioning
I just joined smugmug and am learning the ropes. This is a great site, with amazing work being displayed. I look forward to meeting more of you and sharing our work and ideas. Take a look at me at
I am very green, but enjoy my new hobby and hope to build up my eye and skills.
Has anyone ever taken any online photography classes? I am looking for a good one for beginners and would love to hear from you.:dunno
Can't wait to get going!:barb
I am very green, but enjoy my new hobby and hope to build up my eye and skills.
Has anyone ever taken any online photography classes? I am looking for a good one for beginners and would love to hear from you.:dunno
Can't wait to get going!:barb
Hi there and welcome to Dgrin.
Judging by your site looks like you are off to a great start!
I fairly new to the DSLR world and have learned alot from just thumbing through threads and reading. Lot of my skills have been improved by just getting out there and shooting.
I love this pic of your dog:
(hope you dont mind me posting it) What type of dog?
Hi there Tammy, and Welcome to the Dgrin Forum.
If you find any spelling mistakes of mine you being a teacher and all,
pretend you didn't see them okay
I've never done any Online Classes, everything I know I learnt from other people on the Dgrin forum.
Have you checked out the Forums online TUTORIALS yet ?
Here's the link
Lots of really great lessons to try out on the section of the forum.
There are some great books you can get too.
I saw the picture of your little dog, it's very cute
Sing out if you need any help, and we look forward to your sharing your pictures with us.
Enjoy the Forum Tammy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin