Seabound (live concert)
I don't do live music much, but this is a show/band I was waiting for years to see.
A few years ago I purchased the 85mm f/1.8 for shooting concert photography but I ended up never using it for that. And I brought it for this show, but I decided against it because I wanted to be closer to the front - and then it was a bit too long for my 30D. So I ended up using the 24-105.... I'm sure I could have done much better if I had a more suitable lens. Focus? What's that?
Interestingly, Seabound is (somehow) affiliated with a wonderful part-time concert photographer who I have long respected, Claudia Schöne. Her truly stunning shots of live performances of this genre of music was enough inspiration for me to crawl of my cave on a weekday night. :lol3
Comments, feedback or whippings welcome! Concert photography is quite challenging at the best of times. :huh
A few years ago I purchased the 85mm f/1.8 for shooting concert photography but I ended up never using it for that. And I brought it for this show, but I decided against it because I wanted to be closer to the front - and then it was a bit too long for my 30D. So I ended up using the 24-105.... I'm sure I could have done much better if I had a more suitable lens. Focus? What's that?
Interestingly, Seabound is (somehow) affiliated with a wonderful part-time concert photographer who I have long respected, Claudia Schöne. Her truly stunning shots of live performances of this genre of music was enough inspiration for me to crawl of my cave on a weekday night. :lol3
Comments, feedback or whippings welcome! Concert photography is quite challenging at the best of times. :huh
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What sort of music is this?. Seems like every band is using lasers now a days..Even The swedish band KENT does that..
Seems sort of a ripoff from the hard electronic music that i listen to. They have bin using lasers for many many years.
But back yo you. I think you should be more then happy with these pics. They just deliver the feeling! and that´s what you want!.
just a little pic to sho how much we love our lasers ^^.
I actually woke up this morning to find an email from them about these photos. Woot! :smo
Arvan, they are an EBM duo from Germany, not quite industrial but not as happy as regular electronic music. Lasers are not new in either the States or Europe, but I generally don't find myself going out to shoot concerts very often and I don't see many shots from electro shows on Dgrin (yet?)
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Hope more folks go out, have a good time, and share the photos here.
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Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
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I actually have only one lens that would be good for this sort of thing (85mm f/1.8) but it's so long on my 30D. At the beginning of the night I took a few test shots from the back of othe venue standing on the bar (heh) because I'm so short, but people's heads still kept getting in the way. So I switched to my backup lens, 24-105 which is not fast but has IS. I kept that on for the rest of the night and elbowed my way up to the front. I keep thinking that a 17-85 would have been optimal, or the 24mm f/1.4 L. Something faster, basically. I was shooting at ISO 1600, yeow.
Two days before the show I was actually reading through your recent thread about the nifty fifty. I really need to get one of those in f/1.4 form but it just wasn't in the stars for me on such short notice.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Your shots are great - album cover material... Congratulations!
I've tried in the past to do concert photography and its HARD!
I have to say, you promted me to go check out the band... and I have to say I like there music. What's *THE* song I should listen too?
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange
That's tough to say. I'm a big fan of EBM and the more melodic industrial and I have no clue what your musical tastes are. Scorch the Ground, The Promise, Poisonous Friend, Without You, October Song? I try new music by listening to the clips on iTunes.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography