Opps I got that wrong
Sorry no pictures................just an admission :scratch
I have been on dgrin for around 8 months, and have enjoyed the comments from others on pics I have posted particuarly Skippies, the forum admin.
Its funny how you draw a picture in your mind about what other forum members look like....................imagine my supprise today then when I realsied that Skippy was a WOMEN :huh Up until now I had imagined she was a man....................don't ask me why I just had, then this morning there was something she said in a post and I looked closely at her avatar and then her profile.................now I'm off the climb a mountain to find enlightenment :dunno
Sorry Mrs Skippy
I have been on dgrin for around 8 months, and have enjoyed the comments from others on pics I have posted particuarly Skippies, the forum admin.
Its funny how you draw a picture in your mind about what other forum members look like....................imagine my supprise today then when I realsied that Skippy was a WOMEN :huh Up until now I had imagined she was a man....................don't ask me why I just had, then this morning there was something she said in a post and I looked closely at her avatar and then her profile.................now I'm off the climb a mountain to find enlightenment :dunno
Sorry Mrs Skippy
Awwwwwww don't worry Tim, I have had this happen many times,
it doesn't bother me in the slightest, because eventually the penny drops and the realisation that I am female and not male happens
I think the name Skippy in USA is commonly known because of a character on a TV program called Family Ties, who happened to be a Boy,
also Skippy is a Peanut Butter brand over there too.
I got the name Skippy from an old TV show here in Australia called
Skippy The Bush Kangaroo, it was typically Australian, and the Kangaroo was a girl, so I figured it was very Ozzie till I started surfing the Net
So you come out of hiding to make a confession hu? well that's a start.
Don't worry I have not taken offence to you confessing that you thought I was a guy Draggin
Glad your enjoying the Forum
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
What did you think I was?
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug