Keeping gallery style when gallery added to community??

I have asked this before and been told that there is nothing that can be done, but here goes again.
When I have added specific galleries to one of the communities on smugmug, the gallery looses my chosen style, and changes to the style used by the community the gallery has been added to. I was told previously that this is not something that can be changed, but I have noticed that there are some galleries in the same community which have managed to keep their chosen styles. Here is one:
Why is this possible for some? I'd really like to keep my chosen style rather than be forced the default.:scratch
When I have added specific galleries to one of the communities on smugmug, the gallery looses my chosen style, and changes to the style used by the community the gallery has been added to. I was told previously that this is not something that can be changed, but I have noticed that there are some galleries in the same community which have managed to keep their chosen styles. Here is one:
Why is this possible for some? I'd really like to keep my chosen style rather than be forced the default.:scratch
Try setting your gallery to 'communmity' to see how it looks, then try 'SmugMug' to see the differance.
You can use a theme if you like. In the gallery settings under 'community' select 'appearance - SmugMug'. The galleries selected them will be used.
And yes, I had to go to my own communmity to test this. So confusing