Creating a gallery within a gallery
I was wondering if it is possible to make galleries within a master gallery on SmugMug?
For example, if I had photos of a school event, I would like to have one master gallery for the event and then separate galleries for each grade in that master gallery. Does that make sense?
I was wondering if it is possible to make galleries within a master gallery on SmugMug?
For example, if I had photos of a school event, I would like to have one master gallery for the event and then separate galleries for each grade in that master gallery. Does that make sense?
SmugMug uses the following method of site organization:
Category > subcategory > gallery > photos
What you are trying to do would look something like this:
(category) School Events
(subcategory) 1st grade
gallery 1
gallery 2
galelry 3
(subcategory) 2nd grade
gallery 1
gallery 2
galelry 3
(subcategory) 3rd grade
gallery 1
gallery 2
galelry 3
Categories and subcaetgories are what you are looking for. You can use our default categories if you like or create your own:
Check out Anne's help video too:
Thanks for the welcome. I get the feeling I'll be making a lot of use of this forum and the wisdom of many people on here.
And thank you for this advice. This has given me a lot to play around with - some fun for my lunch break today!
Thanks again for the help.